
Also, while I'm at it, I finally figured out how to put pictures up on my blog! A huge thank you to my lovely, beautiful dongsaeng, Moony_Kat!

Ke ke, anyway, please check out 'Fate and CN Blue' and 'Adventures in the Big Apple' for new pictures if you're curious about the concert or New York City! As for this one, here's some of the ilustrations I did for the book I mentioned. Please keep in mind, I can do better than this, I promise. Colored pencil is just really difficult to shade and fix mistakes.


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I WANT THAT DOG. Omg THAT.IS.SO.CUTE haha daaaaang unnie u have some serious skills!! My stick figures epically fail haha i wonder if one day ill come across ur book, that would be so cool!! x3
NO problem unnie!*huugs* Glad I was able to help you even for a little bit!*huuugs*
LOL, love the picture with the dog dressed in ballerina clothes *.* You're really talented unnie!^^ I want to see more and more drawings made by you^^