Shadows Application || Ha Neul


About You

Username/Hyperlink: mist07859
Nickname?: Luka
Activity: 9

About the Character

The Basics

Name: Park Ha Neul || Korean

De Santis Noel || Italian/Native American

Umeda Shiori || Japanese


Sky | becasue it is her Korean name english meaning | eveyone calls her that

Hanni | it is a cutsy name that she does not particularly like | Daesung  calls her that because he likes to and annoy her

Sleepy | she has it because she likes to sleep | Her best friend gave it to her because he knows how much she sleeps. Onew also uses it

Pure Joker | she has it because of her trainee years | the old trainess and her teacher or anyone that knew her when she was first a trainee.

Age: 21
Birthday: Nov/11
Ethnicity:  Japanese-Italian-Native American
Birthplace: Redby, Minnesota
Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea
Languages: Fluent [Korean, English, Italian]  Basic[Spanish, Mandarin, French, Cherokee/Tsalagi]
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 50 kg 

Scratching the Surface

Ulzzang Name:  Lee Dasom
Ulzzang Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |8
Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Do Hwe Ji
Back-Up Ulzzang Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Casual-  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Dorm-  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Formal-  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Date- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Tattoos?: 1 | 2

Piercings?: belly ring/necklace 

Scars?: N/A

Beneath the Mask

Personality:  Ha Neul is weird and she accepts it she is not afraid to let people know. She likes to have fun and laugh. Around strangers she is shy and a little guarded. She would do or say the craziest things to make her friends laugh. She is the type of person to feel happy just watching others have fun and enjoying themselves. Her bad side is one to watch out for. She would always give someone the silent treatment and her sarcasm will reach its highest peak. She unknowingly shows mysticism even though she is a hit on variety shows. She is a little self-conscious but she won’t stand for anyone to put her down. Noel has a complex personality. She tends to act according to the mood around her. Noel is an open-minded person with a big heart. She is kind to those that take the initiative to know her and not judge her by the way she looks. She is not someone that is gullible either. She hates school but graduated in the top percent of her class. What most people don't know is that Noel is lazy, especially when it comes to doing work for school. She does the work but only because she knows she has to and that she would feel bad if she did not do it. She passes all her classes but will skip a class at least twice a month. She has the 'I don't care attitude' about her when she is lacking sleep or when she really does not care.        

                 She is someone that follows their head more than their heart, and is careful when choosing people to be close to. She has trust issues and learned that not everyone can be completely trusted in this line of work. There are times when she is super happy and hyper. The times when she gets hyper usually falls around extremely good weather and lots of ice cream or amusement parks. The times she can get hyper are fun for her because she finds it fun to annoy people she knows sometimes. While in her own world she has a tendency to ignore others and their opinions. She would avoid unnecessary actions and arguments, around people that she doesn't like Ha Neul is very sarcastic with them and not patient. When she is angry she let all inhibitions go and show the side that is cold, uncaring, and blood-thirsty. Ha Neul is unpredictable and sometimes two-faced and it comes off as her being untrustworthy. She is a little tomboyish and calls everyone hyung. When she gets hyper she gets flirtatious and it takes a while for her to calm down.  She is a tease at times especially to players who think they have her but don't. Even at her age she is a bit childish but is overall a grown-up.                                         


 She tries to make things easier for people and not show emotions that are negative. There are times when I am super happy and hyper. The times when I get hyper usually falls around extremely good weather and amusement parks. Noel is someone with a big heart but that does not get noticed by other people. She is hardly seen but when she is she is seen as someone that has no emotion. She would have a genuine smile on her face and would joke around. She loves her sleep. She would rip someone's arm off if you woke her up too early. Her attitude in the morning is not as pretty as she is. It gets really ugly and only those who are brave enough wake her up. Noel is the type of person that would laugh out of the blue because of something that happened the day before. She is weird and she accepts it.


                      Noel is kind, smart, funny, and extremely trustworthy. The secrets that are told to Noel are kept top secret and everyone likes to tell her their stories because all she does is listen.  Around her crush she is more quiet than usual unless someone else is with her. She does not know what to do in a relationship and that makes her more nervous when she is around her crush. Noel is a dreamer and thinks about the most ridiculous things but people think that that is what makes her a talented.



Spicy food || she likes the heat it gives her and the flavor

Her biological grandmother || Her Grandmother taught her about her witch half and the rules it comes to being a witch. She also took care of her when Ha Neul went to live with her

Pastries || it was one of her dreams to be a patisser and she loves the different kinds that can be created. They also taste good

Her new familiy || they adopted her and loved her even when they were able to have a child of their own

Her powers || they make her feel special 

Roller coasters || they give her an adrenaline rush and she finds them exciting

Amusement parks || they have roller coasters and its a place where she can let her inner kid loose



Coffee ||she finds it very bitter no matter how much cream and sugar you put in it

Cotton candy || it has an artificial taste to it that she doesn't like

Stillettos || she feels as though they are too high and thinks they would hurt her feet.Even though she is a dancer her balance when she isn't dancing is not so good so she knows she wont be able to walk in them.

Unnecessary arguments/violence || if it isn't neede than it should not be done and it casuses her to use energy she does not want to waste

Her biological parents || they did bot understand her, they shunned her, and then stuck her in an asylum when she was just a child



Crocheting || She picked it up from her grandmother and saw it as away to think without having her illusions get out of hand

Baking || She bakes because she sees how happy it makes people and she wants people to be happy even if she doesn't know them

Playing the Cello || She picked it up because it reminds her of her sister

Dancing || it gives her a way to express her self when she can't do it in words.

Solving puzzles || She does this because it increases her brain activity and she feels smart when she solves them



  1. somtimes makes potions when she cooks
  2. day dreaming 
  3. tilting her head when she is confused
  4. training her body until total exhaustion
  5. getting flirty when she is hyper



  • can play Drums, Harp, and Violin
  • has Heechul's and Simon D's cell number
  • doesn't know how to ride a bike
  • loses her cellphone a lot
  • reads manga
  • has a pet snake
  • raps in the shower
  • obsessed with the color blue
  • family owns a zoo
  • is a master at mixing drinks
  • featured in Super Junior's "It's You" video
  • does contemporary and modern dance
  • knows the meanings of flowers
  • doesn't cry easily
  • can solve a Sudoku puzzle in under 5 minutes
  • hasn't had a boyfriend
  • stayed awake for three days straight
  • watches K/J dramas
  • was apart of Asiid Rain dance crew
  • can read tarot cards
  • loves trying new fo
  • favorite sport is volleyball
  • ran away from home
  • trained in archery
  • addicted to pocky
  • believes in magic
  • had a short career as a cello soloist
  • is a movie buff
  • listens to music in other languages
  • She enjoys being around guys acting kind of like them
  • She knows martial arts and any other fighting style. She isn't afraid to use it.

The Life I Lead

Family Members:

Adopted mother | Park Na Young | 42 |Part-time florist/Zoo co-owner | strict, loving, caring, old-fashioned, organized, open-minded | Alive

Adopted father | Park Won Il | 45 | Zoo co-owner | care-free, lovable, friendly, loud, worrisome, dramatic | Alive

Adopted sister | Park In Yoo | 6 | Child | energetic, full of life, innocent, approachable, cute, bubbly | Dead

Biological grandmother | De Santis Edda | 65 | Village nurse |  blunt, caring, open, intelligent humble, responsibility, keen, intuitive | Alive

Biological mother | Umeda Alanna | 44 | unknown | motherly, selfish, weak, submissive, | Alive

Biological father | De Santis Ciro | 48 | business man | ignorant, closed-minded, rotten, agressive | Dead?


Background: Like everyone's life Ha Neul 'Noel' has had her ups and downs. She was born in Minnesota to a full Japanese mother and a 1/2 Italian 1/2 Native American father. Noel grew up as a normal child being home-schooled by her mother an doften visisting her grandmother until the age of  6 when she moved to Italy due to her fathers job. Her mother was linguistic so she continued to home school Noel and teach her the Italian. One day Noel began seeing things that her parents did not. Her mother though it was because she was not around kids her own age so she sent Noel to school. Noel started school at the age of 8. She went to school but she still kept seeing things that people did not. She would come home from school with scratches and bruises because she was being bullied and did not have many friends. Everytime Noel went to school she would always go to the music room to avoid the other girls that were messing with her. At home her parents did not know what to do with their reclusive and hurt daughter. Her father was hardly around her and she began to miss her grandmother. One day she wished her grandmother to be with her and then her grandmother appeared. What she did not know was that she created the illusion of her grandmother. She learned that she should just keep it to her self so she did. As Noel began to get the jist of what she did after a couple more tries she began to practice more. Her interest in books increased and she even ventured into manga. For her mothers birthday she wanted to do something special for her. She took both of her parents to the main room and suddenly cherry blossoms filled the room and it changed to the scene where her father and mother first met. When she asked her mother how she liked her present she was answered with a slap by her father and harsh words by her mother. After that she was sent to her room. She could hear her mother saying that it was your fathers fault and said that the spell did not work. Her father replied saying that he thought it worked as well and would talk to your grandmother. He continued on saying he would have had your mother abort you if he knew this was going to happen and your mother agreeed. 

At the age of 9 her family moved to South Korea. Thinking this was a new beginning for her Noel tried to control her illusions but it would be hard since she was a day dreamer and even when she sleeps, if she dreamt hard enough the illusion would show her dream. Her parents practically neglected Noel and finally did  when they sent her to the asylum.  They wanted to get rid of her and they did. They dropped her off at what she thought would be her therapist since she did not know the language that well, but was really a nurse going to meet her to sedate her. After Ha Neul was sedated she woke up in a fright and screamed she didn'tknow what was going on. She wanted out and her illusion became reality. She calmed down and gave herself the illusion of the door blowing up and it actually did. She ran away and lived on the streets until a boy found her sleeping near the horses when he visited the zoo. He called the owners and they saw Noel. When Noel woke up she was in a bed with the same boy sitting by her. She kept quiet as he introduced himself in a bright way saying his name was Wu Niro, he was Italian and Chinese but was born in Korea. He thought she was mute since she did not reply but did not consider the fact that she did not understand most of what he was saying. After him doing all the talking for 5 hours the owners came in and explained how they found Noel but did so in english noticing she was a foreigner and hoping she would understand them. She actually told them her story about her family and her powers and they both cried for her even Niro.

The two owners decided to adopt her and gave her her Korean name. Everyday Niro would visit Noel until she got better. She taught him Italian while he taught her Korean. Noel started to go to school with Niro and they stuck by each other ever since. She would always rely on him and he helped get her to atleast be civil and more human towards people. While helping her new mother make dinner Noel sung a song subconciously and her mother thought that she had a nice voice and even told her. Ever since then Noel would sing for her mother and father whenever she could.  One day when the zoo was closed the whole family spent a day out and took Noel to audition at JYP. Noel was scared and didn't want to do it but to make her new guardians proud she did the best she could and did the audition with determination. A month later before Noel's bithday she became a trainee at JYP.  Life for Noel was as normal as it could get for her. Noel had a good life because of her adopted parents and could not be more happier and thankful. She enjoyed living eith them and the experiences she had when she went to school with Niro. There were always som days that Noel forgot about her powers but she still loved her powers. She finally visited her grandmother when she had her first break form school and training. Everytime Noel went she learned more about her grandmother, herself, and the reason why she got her powers. While taking her grandmother to Japan Noel had a splitting headache. It turned out that the person sitting in front of her had the power to control ice as she witnessed him chilling his alcohol with only 1 ice cube in his drink.  A few years pass and her new parents has great news. She is going to be an older sister.

 When her younger sister was born there were complications, she had a weak immune system. In Yoo would need to go to the hospital frequently and to take her mind off of things Ha Neul would teach her Italian or sing for her. In Yoo was a bright person and always loved to dance. She would even try to help her family when they were setting up the zoo even though there was not much a child could do Ha Neul and SooLin would always be around In Yoo whenever they could. Ha Neul would juggle school, working at the zoo, and trying to make her sister feel normal as possible. Ha Neul would go to dance class with her and everything. On her 7th birthday In Yoo caught the cold that affected everyone. She caught pneumonia and did not make it. Ha Neul sang and even rapped for In Yoo as she was lying in her hospital bed. In Yoo wanted so badly to dance for others and Ha Neul made a promise to her sister that she would make her dream come true. The night before In Yoo died they watched the stars and Noel even used her illusions to make them seem closer as In Yoo feel asleep. After mourning for her death and feeling depressed Ha Neul continued to go to dance class and trained. Ha Neul worked on her talents to try and keep her sisters dream alive. Ha Neul wears a necklace to remember her sister and the belly necklace. Working at the zoo taught Ha Neul something and she is glad that she was surround by the animals instead of getting judged by other humans. This was also around the time that JYP felt that Noel was not what they wanted. She wasted no time in leaving to make sure that her sisters dream come true. Noel found herself at Cube and was glad enough to call it home.

The Secrets I Keep

What's the secret?:   She is awitch that is an illusionaist and is able to sense others that have powers. As an illusionist she can make what she sees real to her and to everyone around her. She has to have strong mental stability so that she doesn't get lost in her own illusion. She is also able to sense people that are supernatural or have powers. She doesn't usually appraoch them but lets them go on their way. As a witch she can cast spells and even contact the dead but she has to do a ritual for some thing like that. She is not exactly keeping it a secret. A few people know only because she feels that she san trust them and that they wont over react. She wants to tell people but she does not want to be rejected by anyone. Her family knows and they worry about her sometimes but it is nothing that they can do. They are not like her since she is adopted but they honestly lover her.

Anything Else?:  Her other secrets are that her real parents put her into an asylum when she was younger because they thought she had mental problems but it was only her powers coming to light. She also secretly likes skinship and only her bestfriend knows.  And she was adopted. She doesn't talk about her real parents much.

The Mask I Wear

Stage Name: Storm

Company/Position: Cube || Lead Vocalist/Main Dancer

Persona:  Mischievous Chameleon

Fanclub:  ChaserZ/Storm Chasers

Fanclub Colors:                     

Message to Fans: Annyeong, ChaserZ lets chase our dreams together. Neh!!! Saranghae 

Twitter/Me2Day/etc.: @StormchaserZ/HaHaNeul

Special Talents: 

Super Flexibility

Quick adaptation


confronting my real mother

controling my illusions for 5 days

Manager:  G.NA

Singing:  2 | 3
Dancing: :2 | 3
Rapping: N/A

The Path I Walked

Years of Training: 11 years

Trainee Years: She was 10 when she started training. She started at JYP and that is where she grew and tried new things. Her trainee life was hard but not as hard as the other foreigners. It was hard for her to try and juggle training with school because it would be the only way that her mother would even think about her being a performer let alone a trainee. Ha Neul was losing sleep and that made her more unapproachable until she finally caught a break. And by break it was sneaking out of the entertainment for the night. The other trainees did not mind her because they thought she would quit in the first 3 months. They tried to make her leave but she would not have it. It was hard enough to try and learn dancing professionally when she only did it for leisure and then to deal with immature people because they were too insecure about themselves made no sense to her. She was an only child and did not know how to handle a situation like this.

                         The time she did not spend training or doing homework, or sleeping went to plotting revenge and/or getting picked on. As she got her revenge slowly she became known as the joker in her trainee years because there was almost always a plan for someone who was a step behind her. She actually took contemporary classes because she liked the feeling of expressing herself in an entire different style of dance than what she was being taught at the company. When the trainees stopped bothering her, she stopped.  After not going anywhere in JYP and being told that she was not what they were looking for she left or was rather let go. She does not care however you see it. All she knows is that she was not going to let JYP get to her. Around age 15 was when she left JYP. She took a year off to concentrate on school but ended up being recruited by a scout from Cube and did not waste time making her decision. Since she already hadd trainee experience she did mush better at Cube than JYP. Even though she stayed close toherself she felt more at ease and knew exactly hoe to handle other trainees who wanted her out just becausee she was a foriegner. She has no hard feeling against JYP, only thier ignorant trainees. 

The Ones I Trust

Best Friend: Wu Niro/OC | 28 | Photographer | charming, playful, quick to act, calm, secretive, manipulative, helpful, trustworthy | He knows |

Friends:  Onew | 22 | Idol/SHINee | caring, humble, helpful, kind, ambitious,selfless, funny | He doen't know |

Matsumoto Rui/OC | 22 | Computer Technician | loud, blunt, careless, hot-headed, supportive | She doesn't know |

Dara | 27 | Idol/2NE1 | cool, entertaining, intersting, fun-loving, lovable, honest | She knows |

Daesung | 23 | Idol/BigBang | funny, comical, strong, optimistic, sneaky, suave | He doen't know |


Love Interest: Jay Park
Occupation: Idol/Dancer/Singer/Rapper
Age: 25
Personality: dorky, confident, energetic,fiery, dominant, caring, sweet, impulsive, humorous 
How you met/meet: We met when I was a trainee at JYP and I was lost. I could not find the practice room that I was assigned to and when I finally got to the room late I accidentally hit Jay with the door. I apologized repeatedly and in all the languages that I knew. He found my reaction funny and said it was no problem. 
Why you love him/her: I love him because he is not afraid to be himself. He has self confidence and he is not vain. He is funny and he understands me.
Status: I have a crush on him and we are friends but because I left JYP and he left 2PM it is hard to meet up with him.
Does he/she know her secret?: No, but he will find out and it will lead to a big fight and he has to make a decision that would make or break me.

The End of the Line

Anything Else?: If I am missing something plz tell me or you can even change it to what works.
Scene Requests:

  • A scene where Jay surprises Noel since she did not know he was going to be in Korea and she has not seen him for a while.
  • A day when the members argue over something trivial, like who left the chair out, and gets repremanded by the manager but they laugh it off because they know the argument was not that serious.
  • Ha Neul's best freind tells Jay that she likes skinship, which she secretly does, and Jay uses this knowledge to his advantage



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