Be happy in any circumstance


Yeah funny how hard that is.

I learned about that just recently. Things may not always be picture perfect, life may be full of stupid crud that isn't fair or doesn't make sense but we don't have to wallow around feeling sorry for ourselves.

If we look at the full spectrum we can see that life isn't always unfair.

Within the rain clouds the sunshine can still poke through.

And that's what I'm trying to think of regarding my birthday.

I don't need a lot of presents, a large cake or a big celebration. I just need to be around the people who love me and whom I'm thankful for. So whether or not I have the party doesn't matter, I'll be wished a happy birthday in messages and on facebook and there will be other times I can have large celebrations (such as when I do finally get a bf and then engaged and then married) Thanks to everyone on here who helped me to see the importance of the people around you regardless of the event held.

I didn't put an oyster up here randomly. How are pearls created? Through irritation. If the sand didn't get under the shell then there would be nothing for the oyster to try and remove for it to create a beautiful result. Out of it's frustrating circumstances it still was able to look on the positive (man what am I saying?!)

/I have more wisdom than my government.

/Wait I take that back, the government isn't THAT bad.


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xinli_ang #1
Then more wisdom that OUR government. -.-' Sadly.
I'm glad for you. :)
/gets jailed.
I'm being hard-headed, but I still can't get over the blunders they've gotten themselves into in the past few years. -.-
Are you trying to get me jailed for libel?! LOL I love you! <3
birthday :) i agree. i feel bad now that i think about it, because i always want big birthdays. it's so true though. i'll be with you in spirit ♥
Well said

but my Government is Baaaaaad!