I'm reading this book

Yo, wassup?

Today's been pretty normal. Classes, art, guitar, friends, eat, sleep, kpop, roleplaying...New day, same routine. lol 

You know what I realized? That moment I throw away my feelings for a guy, I threw away all the colors of my life along with it. I mean, when I was in the process of getting over him, I stayed home 24/7 watching anime to distract myself. I didn't talk or hang out with my friends all summer. I quit volleyball because he was in the team too. I just wanted isolation. OTL Though it may seem more colorful now, now that I'm happy, in the right mind, and level-headed, it's just...boring. I've gotten a couple of guys asking me out or confessing to me, but I rejected every single one of them because I've learned my lesson from before.

Another thing that I've noticed is that when I am miserable, my life is pretty colorful. I get into trouble, get hurt, have problems, cut myself, cry...and actually have fun with it. Now that I've set myself straight, life seems pretty boring. And I'm not happy with it being boring u_u 

And so, I told my granny about this predicament. She suggested that I should read this book. It's title is "The Happiness Project" and it's written by Gretchen Rubin. It's pretty good so far. I've learned so many things just from only reading ten pages. The book's about how to achieve happiness by changing your lifestyle little by little. It's basically like "Eat, Pray, Love" and "The Art of Happiness" combined.

I hope this book would help me to become as happy as I can be....  


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YourEmoAsianGurl #1
I love that you're trying to change your life and run back into society again~!!! :D
But no, really, I have gratittude for you for trying to get your life back on track after what's happened, no matter what it be. The only thing that you should do is: once you feel comfortable again, try starting another relationship, a crush, or anything. Just because of one bad experience doesn't mean that every guy out there is horrible. You never know, one of those guys who confessed to you, could end up being your husband, and you wouldn't have even known. ;)
Good luck and best of wishes! Ooh, and tell me how that book is when you finish reading it. C: