My 21st....

Is falling to pieces ;__;


I didn't send out the invites early (two weeks before the date) and I've only had 6 people RSVP to say they're coming.


I would like it if at least 20 people come.

But I don't know if that's possible....


Man why do people have to make such a big deal out of 21sts?


What am I going to do if I can't celebrate mine with a crowd at least?



/ I said I wouldn't whinge or rant anymore.

/But I don't know what to do.


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xinli_ang #1
I'll make a Skype account and add you then call you. If you count me and DragonG in, that would make 8, wouldn't it? :) We don't celebrate 21st birthdays like it's a big deal where I live. Nor 16th. But ws do celebrate 18th. But I didn't make a big bash out of it. My friends and I just went out for lunch. XD Enjoy your birthday, E. The number of people doesn't matter at all. I wish I could hug you... PHYSICALLY!!!
i'll purchase a ticket to where you live and surprise you! spirit T~T it's true, people always put such great influence behind birthdays. i understand the desire to share it with a lot of people. things happen for a reason. i wish you the happiest of birthdays...but this won't be the last you hear of it from me ;)
*hugs you*
Thre's nothing much to say...


Are you better now?^^
I'm probably not even going to celebrate my 21st birthday, (wow, it's less than a year and a half from now o_o). The last birthday I even did much beyond eating some good food/cake for was my 16th, lol. People put more emphasis on birthdays than they merit at times. You may have hit a landmark date, but it's not like all of a sudden that day changes your life forever, not unless there's some sort of coincidental momentous event or you choose to make it a huge milestone. The changes in you and your life are happening continually and gradually, so turning 21 only says so much, concretely speaking. It's just a number, essentially.

Anyway, having a small party isn't such a bad thing. It allows for more intimate interaction and greater participation from everybody. I'm a low-key kind of person, and that's the kind of thing I personally like.
My 21 is.comming and Im probably only celebrating with 4 or 5 friends. I'll wish you a happy birthday
Awww s'ok. We can celebrate and have like. A mega skype party or something.