Kim Junsu...

Not sure of any of you are Cassies or Bigeasts or JYJ fans but I just want to write about what happened to Junsu yesterday was just awful... 

How could people treat him like that? 

Imagine fans flocking the venue to watch him on stage but the announcer told the crowd that the event has ended before Junsu came up on stage. Then people started to leave, medias packed away their cameras, just because Junsu SHOULD NOT be broadcasted in Korea...

And his parents were there...


but then he tweeted to console Cassies instead. 


I cried so damn much last night and still don't feel all that well today too and I can't imagine how Junsu felt... 


always keep the faith. 






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Ilovekpopforever #1
Omo that us not right and his parents
Where there so that is f_ing messed up