Ah okay, so earlier, I found this book my mom has called "Chicken Skin". It's about like, spooky things that happened in Hawaii that have to do with like legends and angering the spirits, ghosts, etc. One of the ones  I read was something about an 11 year old girl who one day, woke up at 4 in the morning for  no reason. She swore she heard her uncle saying "Ke'ala, It's time to get up! I'm gonna take you to school!" But she knew never to answer anyone who calls for you in the middle of the night. She said she saw a car pull up and even saw lights on her walls and when she looked out she saw a ghost that was almost solid but not quite, like a cloud. The girl was scared so she went and told her parents about it. Turns out, the dad's co-worker had picked up a big stone and took it to her dad's work, and a ghost followed her dad home. You know, you're not supposed to do stuff like that in Hawaii. so her dad told the coworker about it and he put it back and nothing happened.

LOL okay, I have to admit, I don't get scared easily but stuff like this like, makes me scared LESS! Haha there's even worse ones


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TTT. OMGG. That's creepy. Now, I'm scared to look at the stones in my front yard. LOLOL.<br />
My dad told me a story when I was 10. I was scared to go to the restrooms, you know with the multiple stalls?<br />
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So, he said in any elementary school in the third stall on the third floor, there's a little girl in there named Hanako. If you knock three times on the door and ask "Are you there, Hanako?", she'll reply "Yes! I'm here." If you open the stall door, she'll either vanish or pull you into the toilet and kill you.<br />
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I was so freaked out. I asked my dad why the hell would he tell me that, if I'm SCARED of them in the first place?! And guess what he said; He said because he cares. And then he had the most fakest smile I've ever seen in my life.