I feel like killing someone.
















My sister read my journal. I told her not to. I feel like killing someone.




















I was cleaning the living room since she doesn't do , and I saw a piece of paper on the ground. I had to read it to see if I needed to throw it out, in case a certain someone yelled at me if it was important. And now when I came home from grocery shopping, she still had not clean her ing room. I told her that her essay said she liked keeping herself busy, and that she liked cleaning her room. BULL. This little ***** is laying on the bed, watching fricken Ghost Whisperer all day long. Then she starts yelling at me and then said she read one of my most prized possesion; my journal.


Everyone knows they have to keep away from it. 


It's common sense. I tell her all the time. And now, she's yelling at me even more because I read her essay.


. It was on the floor, so do you expect me not to scan through and read it to see if it is not important? I didn't do that once, put it aside for her to see it, but she all she did was yell and PMS like she always does.


How dare she read my journal.


Sorry for this little rant. To whoever read this. Well it's not like it's important. 







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