no comment, no need to update :D

there are viewers but no comment. man, i'm such a bad writer. hmm, maybe because i'm still new. anyway, so far i manage to add a bit in the kit kat story while kiss my love is getting closer to the end. it's going to be short but i do feel pity for my own character. at least i manage to kill someone like i wanted. the murderer is getting caught, stupid for being so arrogant. need to figure out whether i should end vicki with someone else or should i at least explain the reason behind the murder... hmm... at least with no comment, i dont feel the pressure to update my story, which is a bless....:)

once i have finished the kiss story, i need to edit back the kit kat story before i can update. match back the dates and time and also figure out when vicki should get pregnant. should i add another person in their life. haha... and at the same time my mind is flying toward the vampire story and also Honey. so many works to do. luckily, i am still in my :P


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