the l o v e scandal ♡ ┇ Choi Taechan


what should i call you?; Chan

character's name; Choi Tae Chan
date of birth / age; 23/01/94 / 18 (internationally, Korean Age: 19)
birth place; Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
hometown; Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
languages spoken;

Korean (very fluent)

English (fluent)

ulzzang name; Kim Seuk Hye
back-up ulzzang; Park Hwan Hui
height; 167 cm
weight; 57 kg

Taechan likes to wear these:

Spring ( )

Summer ( )

Fall ( )

Winter ( )


Even though she looks like a serious person when she doesn't smile, Taechan is a cheerful girl, she loves to laugh out loud. She's also friendly to people, especially people she just met. However, she's also very sensitive and gets easily pissed off. But because she's thoughtful and she cares about people's feelings, even when she's boiling inside she will try her best to smile instead of showing that she's upset. She cries easily, like when she reads a touching story or watches a sad drama or when she sees an injured puppy.

Again, despite her looks, Taechan is actually a scaredy cat. She's scared of ghosts. And she will never want to watch a horror movie. If someone forces her to watch it. She will close her eyes through the whole movie. Sometimes when she's alone in the middle of the night she will become paranoid. Taechan's an animal lover. She loves animals, and she's usually not scared of them, even if it's a wild animal. But, she will become weak and scared at the sight of mice or rats. Yes, she loves all animals, but mice or rats is an exception. And she is not 'just scared' of them, she has a phobia.

A very forgetful girl. She often forgets where she puts her things at. She also makes reminders of things and tasks she has to do, to prevent from forgetting them. She is caring and observant. She will notice if someone's troubled or down and will try to comfort them. She is also helpful; she likes to help people, even strangers.

Taechan is not really good at sports. The only sports she is good at are running and swimming. She is not good at ball games, she usually avoids the ball because she is afraid the ball will hit on the face. But even though she's bad at sports, she is an expert on horse riding.

She is very competitive at things she's best at and she will try her best to win. She's honest though, so she won't cheat in a game or race.

occupation/education; She is currently in college, majoring in language and literature. She is also taking a part-time job in a café.
dream job; Journalist

❤ Coffee; her favorite drink.

❤ Plushies; she still hugs them to sleep.

❤ Horses; her favorite animal.

❤ Spicy food; "Delicious! Spicy makes the taste of the food complete." she said.

❤ Dark Chocolate; she loves the bittersweet taste of it.


❤ Horror movies; she hates them.

❤ Smoking; she dislikes smoke, smoking, and people who smoke.

❤ Perfumes; she dislikes the strong smell that sometimes makes her feel dizzy.

❤ Zombies and ghosts; she hates and is very scared of them.

❤ Ginseng; to her opinion, it tastes weird.


❤ Horseriding

❤ Listening to music

❤ Reading

❤ Cooking


❤ Drums her fingers on a surface when she's waiting

❤ Talks very quickly when she's nervous

❤ Drinks water right after when she wakes up

fears/phobias; Musophobia (the fear of mice or rats)
special talents; Playing the piano

❤ She has a pet male Samoyed, which she named Namu

❤ Her family owns a private horseriding area

❤ Her favorite horse is a brown horse named Byeol (male), a birthday gift for her 16th birhday from her father

❤ She cannot sleep if the room's completely dark. It must have light, even though it's little

❤ Sleeps with open

❤ She is quite close to Dongwoo's mother as she is a loyal costumer in Dongwoo's family restaurant

❤ Lots of people, wondered why she wanted to work when her family was wealthy. It was because she wanted to be independent and she wanted to obtain money from her own hard work.

background; Taechan comes from a wealthy family and the Choi family owns Emerald Resorts which is one of the most successful resorts in South Korea. Her life is not all rainbows and unicorns, though.

Taechan's mother died when she was 15. Ever since her mother died, her father became very protective of her and her brother because he was afraid to lose his children once more, like the accident that killed their mother. That was one of the reason he didn't approve Junhong's dream to be a singer at first.

Not a lot of people knew about this, but Taechan used to be temporarily blind during her childhood, because of an accident, in which a glass shard cut her eyes. She was blind for 5 months before she finally found a donor. During her blind days, she was kind of depressed. Kids would about it, bully her, and she felt like she was a burden to her friends and family. Therefore she was very thankful that she was able to see again and she has special sympathy for blind people.

FATHER: Choi Junhyuk - 48 - Alive - Owner and Founder of Emerald Resorts - Impatient, Warm, Caring - Cares a lot for Taechan and loves her very much and he is also very protective of Taechan.
MOTHER: Choi Aechan - 45 - Dead - Co-Founder of Emerald Resorts and housewife - Easy-going , Caring, Ambitious - During her lifetime, she loves Taechan dearly and she became someone for Taechan to lean on. She was very supportive and she often gave advices for her.
SIBLING: Choi Junhong - 16 - Alive - Singer - Cheerful, Caring, Stubborn - Junhong loves his sister dearly and he respects her. He is also protective of her. She is very precious to him. To him, Taechan is his top priority.


Do Kyungsoo [EXO-K] - 19 - Singer - Caring, Worrywart, Mother-like - Best Friend - Kyungsoo and Taechan met each other in front of a cafe. Kyungsoo was still a trainee back then. Kyungsoo ran into Taechan and Taechan's drink fell. He insisted on buying another drink for her and that's where the friendship started.

Amber Josephine Liu [f(x)] - 20 - Singer - Boyish, Carefree, Down-to-earth - Close Friend - Taechan was interviewed by a magazine, discussing about Junhong's debut. She met Amber in the building who was walking out of a room. f(x) was being interviewed by the same magazine that day, and Amber was the first one to finish the individual interviews. Taechan and Amber chatted while Amber waited for the other members.

Kim Namsoo [oc] - 17 - Barista - Polite, Warm, Neat - Friend, Work colleague - Taechan met him on her first day at her part-time job at the cafe.

his group members;
Kim Sunggyu - 23 - Leader & Main Vocalist - Worrywart, Impatient, Caring - A best friend and and he's like a big brother to Taechan, very close to her.

Nam Woohyun - 21 - Main Vocalist - Confident, Friendly, Reliable - Friend

Lee Howon - 21 - Rapper, Vocalist & Main Dancer - Funny, Warm, Quiet - Taechan and Howon are very close to each other

Lee Sungyeol - 21 - Vocalist - Cheerful, Childish, Sensitive - Friend

Kim Myungsoo - 20 - Vocalist and Face of the Group - Random, Stubborn, Observant - Friend

Lee Sungjong - 19 - Vocalist and Maknae (the youngest) - Sweet, Patient, Mischievous - Taechan and Sungjong are very close to each other

love interest's name; Jang Dongwoo (Infinite)
date of birth / age; 22/11/90
personality; From his appearance he looked very scary, tough and bad boy-like but his real personality is just the opposite. Cheerful, down-to-earth and easy-going. Polite, respectful. He's also very friendly and it's very hard not to like him. He loves to laugh and he still loves guns and toys, like a child. He is not the type of person to get mad easily, in fact he rarely gets mad. he's very nice and angel-like.

first meeting; They met a year ago, on 12 September, which was Chuseok or also known as Hangawi, at Dongwoo's family's restaurant. She is an Inspirit who comes there often and is a loyal costumer. Dongwoo happened to visit the restaurant on Chuseok and saw Taechan chatting with his mother.
prior relationship to dating; They didn't know each other before the meeting in the restaurant. After the meeting they became friends (which later turned into lovers).
anniversary; 23 December, Dongwoo called her and asked her to meet him at a park, and he has prepared balloons and a banner with 'Will you be mine?' on it. When Taechan accepted him, Infinite members came out from their hiding places and threw confetti all over the place.
length of knowing each other; a year
length of relationship; a year

rival; Oh Hayoung (A Pink)

his ideal type; A person that can work any hairstyle, someone that matches well with him.
who she's a fangirl of; B2ST, Dujun, Junhyung, Yoseob, Infinite, Sunggyu, Dongwoo
her favourite song(s);

Can U Smile by Infinite

Crash by B.A.P

y Love by T-ara


anything else?; I'm sorry if it's not good enough, it's my first time applying T.T I tried my best not to0 make mistakes, but English is not my native language so I apologize for any mistakes.
do you allow the author to modify your app?; No
password; DongChan


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