this is not okay.

okay, so i live in a big city with a lot of really sketchy people right? well i went to the mall today with my friend and after we finished shopping i was like hey, let's get coffee (cuz we were shopping for like 6 hours straight and i was about to collapse cus i was so tired). so we went to the coffee stand and there was this guy standing in line behind me. all of a sudden this dude taps me on the shoulder and tells me his name. my first reaction is like ummm...okay, this is a bit weird...cus normally people don't just tap other people shoulders and tell them their names while they're waiting in line for coffee (unless ur experience proves otherwise).

so i try to be nice to this guy (cus i'm a nice person) by telling him my name and starting a conversation with him (cus i'm really talkative). so he talks to me for literally...two minutes...and then i order my coffee. so after i get it and go to sit down with my friend, this guy follows me to the table where we're sitting and asks to join us. i was a bit weirded out at first, but like i said i was trying to be nice so i was like yeah, u can totally join us, why not?

my friend and i, u know, trying to keep up a friendly conversation, asked this guy how old he was and he said he was 45. liiike, what the ? i was freaked out of my mind at that point cus there was some random 45 year old guy tryin to hit it off with my friend and i...and we're only 18. is this not sketchy so far, or am i the only one who sees something wrong with this? .__.

but that's not the worst part yet. so, after my friend and i heard this, we were like okay, we gotta get away from this guy in the nicest way possible (cus he was starting to talk about...his romantic life and stuff...and it was just awkward for me cus he was gay and like...i'm i kept thinkin he was trying to pursue me or something...). so my friend just says like omg ur mom told us to be home by now, we're missing ur curfew, we gotta go. u know, not too bad. so as my friend and i are getting up to get away from that guy, he asks me what my last name is cus he wants to add me on facebook. first off, i don't even go on my facebook anyway, but like i didn't want him to know my full name and be able to creep on me like that. so i just told him that i didn't have a facebook and my friend and i just left with that.

so something was telling me a few seconds ago that i should log onto my facebook, even though i haven't actually done that in like 2 months. i did and...guess what i found.

the guy from the mall...the 45 ing year old guy from the mall...somehow figured out my last name...and sent me a friend request on facebook.

LIKE WHAT THE ! OKAY, I HAVE TO USE CAPS RIGHT NOW CUS I AM CREEPED THE OUT! THIS IS NOT OKAY! THIS GUY IS LIKE...STALKING ME OR SOMETHING. I ONLY TOLD HIM MY FIRST NAME, HOW THE HELL DID HE FIGURE OUT MY LAST NAME? can u like search people on facebook by city or somethin, cus that's the only way i think he could have ever found me without...i don't even know what to say after that.

i really don't know what to do right now. like...i'm scared outta my mind. i'm seriously afraid that he's gonna crawl in my bedroom window and me or something. WTF THIS IS NOT OKAY THIS IS NOT OKAY THIS IS NOT OKAY.

has this ever happened to anyone else? or do u have any like...creepy stalker stories? please tell me ur stories cus i need something to get my mind off of this guy. holy . what the .



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jeniscool100 #1
Ummmmm...I would agree with you. That is definitely not okay! O___O <br />
I've actually had something like that happen to me before! I was at a baseball game with my friend and this drunk guy asked me for my name so he could add me on Facebook too (back when I was still on Facebook), and like an idiot I told him my actual name. Needless to say he added me, but the weird thing is he also sent me a message that said he couldn't find me so he spent a half hour looking for me. But the weird part was he said it was okay because he really wanted to talk to me. *___* <br />
I don't know, maybe that's not weird and only I think it is but...STILL. I think it's weird so that counts as a good story! Riiiiight? ;D <br />
Just don't think about it, Lachlan! If you don't add him, he won't bother you. And if he adds you again, just ignore his request again. Plus even if you do add him, it's not like you'll ever encounter him since you never go on your Facebook!(; <br />
But really, don't be scared. He can't get to you if you don't let him! Just be the smart cookie I know you are and everything will be okay! <33333