Pissed off.

Okay, so. I made a comment about Obama and Romney because I was sick of people argueing about who is better . 

"Romney and Obama both . The end."

and this guy comes up to me and says 

"Just cause you watch the debate doesn't mean you can go off thinking you know their ideals, plus i bet you don't understand Speech and Debate well enough to understand whats going on that much."

Seriously? You're making me sound stupid when I'm not. Look, you don't know if I don't understand or not. Just because you go to a better school than me doesn't mean that you're smarter than me. 

"well you didn't make it into oxford."

I didn't try, you little . I didn't even take the test because I believe that you should choose what you want to do, not your parents.  My parents kept bugging me to take the test. I refused because I don't want to go, and if I did make it in, my parents would force me to move to that school, which I DO NOT want to do because that's not what I want my life to be. I don't want to be studying my off every day.


Whatever. End of rage. 


The end.


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