Decisions, decisions... Waaah help?!

Any Christians on here know what it's like when you need a quick answer and God just says:




Aaaaaah maybe I'm being overdramatic but I need his answer for something.


Do I have an interview at this particular job or not?

Bad things about having it would be that it's only casual and would be junior rates (not too sure what that means) though it would get me more work than what I get at my current job.

*SIgh* I don't want to decide by myself, but God isn't talking as such (or I haven't heard from him)

Anyone gifted with prophecy or word of knowledge that can help?

/Not sure if anyone with any of the above will even see this.


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PenguinMaestro #1
I remember yelling at God a few times 'cause he was being a jerk like that. But then he always comes through and I look like an idiot. LOLOLOL I love God.
i feel that the more you wait and search for an answer, the more silent He is. let it come out naturally, because He will answer :) hwaiting ♥
I reckon...just use your intuition, what you feel is right - that's God speaking in you. If everything you do is centred around Him, all is well. =)
xinli_ang #4
Wait. What does 'casual' mean?
me too! I'm Christian ^^
sometimes if I keep asking him and praying, when I fall asleep he answers me in some form of a dream. if not, the answer is in some way in everyday life.
sometimes he has already answered us but we do not recognize it.
or sometimes i always ask but he never answers, but everything works out perfect in the end. it must be his work. ^^
Nevertheless, just trust in him unnie, and don't worry because he will work in his own ways. we just have to believe isn't it? it's sometimes difficult to do so, but we have to right? ♥
God bless you, and good luck^^
I'm a Christian^^
Haha... Ofcourse God doesn't answer fast
Try to open up a Bible randomly pick a verse and maybe it'll be the answer
That method was taught in my Bible study~
Also, try to talk to Him alot...y'know he hears you :))