Around the Bonfire with Idols (stolen by saranghaeyo143)

1. Name 10 idols who’s coming on the trip.

1 - IU
2 - Yoseob
3 - Jiyoon
4 - Luna
5 - Yonghwa
6 - Seohyun
7 - Sunggyu
8 - Suzy
9 - Minhyuk
10 - Jiyeon

On the road to the campsite….

2. Who is the one driving?

Yonghwa. He needs the experience. Then Seohyun. She needs it too.

3. Which idol is the one that needs to go stop at Mc Donalds?

Jiyeon--the hungry dinosaur.

At the campgrounds…

4. Who is the one complaining that there are no electric outlets for their hairdryer, straightener etc?

Uh... No one? Because they're out on their own. Who cares?

5. The decision of who builds the tents were made by “Rock Paper Scissors” ….who lost?

The girls were out because the boys were sooo nice (kekeke) but Yonghwa and Yoseob lost, but everyone helped because they're so nice.

They all see a deer...

6. Who’s the one that’s scream at the top of their lungs?

Suzy. And Yonghwa OTL AND Sunggyu kekekekeke

Who just calmly stays still and say, “pfft just a deer"?

Luna and Jiyoon :) I can picture this.

Who just runs?

Minhyuk? I don't know

Hiking Time!

7. Who wants to stay behind?

Suzy because she's scared of more deers. But they drag her along nonetheless.

8. Which idol would be the one that takes the place as leader and gets them lost?

Um... Yonghwa. He's a heodang :) (if you don't know what that is, it's, um, a faker? hehe)

9. Who’s arguing over which way you should go?

Yonghwa and Minhyuk and Luna. Luna wins :) Minhyuk is too scared of leader hyung, and since Seohyun's on Luna's side, Yonghwa gives in. (YONGSEO FOREVER <3)

10. Which idol keeps complaining that they should have stayed behind?

Yonghwa. Then he gets scolded by all girls :)

Campfire time!!

11. Who nearly burns down the entire forest trying to start the campfire?

Sunggyu or Yonghwa. SORRY Yonghwa for keeping on giving you a bad image, but I can seriously picture it. Yong choding hehe

12. Which idol is the “Umma” and is the one that prepares all the yummy food?

All the girls, but Seohyun and Jiyoon aren't experienced cookers, Yonghwa's the food preparer with IU. Then Yoseob gets jealous (IUseob hehe) and helps them.

13. Which idol is complaining that the roast chicken wings are too burnt?


14. Someone ate all the marshmallows!

Jiyeon, and Jiyoon. And Yoseob.

15. Who starts singing and dancing around that the neighbour campers tells them to keep it down?

Yonghwa actually starts strumming, then IU and Yoseob does this duet ballad thingy then Seohyun and Yonghwa joins in for BanMal song, then everyone joins in. Before no time, even Minhyuk is dancing O.O Then when the neighbors come, and gets scolded. IU is the one who apologizes the most, and they just settle for more campfire singing and no crazy dancing. :)

Sleeping Time!

16. Because whoever was in charge of packing up the tents failed….only 6 tents were brought. Who would be in each tent?

As a group, Minhyuk and Yonghwa is paired up (1st tent). Sunggyu and Yoseob together (2), IU, Luna (3) is using the same tent, Seohyun gets her own since she won the game of rock paper scissors (4), and Jiyeon and Suzy is together (5). Jiyoon is also by herself since she won too :)

17. Who forgets to put out the campfire and then realize in the middle of the night?

Yonghwa forgets, then Seohyun remembers.

Home TIME!

18. Who sleeps all the way back?

Seohyun since she had a schedule all day before the camping, then woke up in the middle of the night to put out the fire.

19. Who's singing at the top of their lungs to the radio all the way home?

Everyone minus Seohyun.

20. Who won’t stop talking?

Yoseob and IU.

21.) uh oh~ Who do you realize you forgot after you get back home?

poor Minhyukie and Yong... :( Seohyun was too deep asleep to realize Yong oppa and her friend was gone...



OMIGOSH this was awesome. i could actually picture everyting :)


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