♔ innocence application » song taemi

 your innocent form


Song Taemi


 –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –

 the real deal, yo

Username: fragile

Profile link: click!

Name: Christine or you can call me Tris.

 the basics

Name: Song Taemi

Nickname: Taegoo | Sapphire (English name)

Age: 17

Birthdate: 11/29/1995

Race/Ethnicity: Half Korean and half Australian

Bloodtype: A

Height: 168cm [ 5ft 6 inches ]

Weight: 50kg [ 100 lbs ]

Place of birth: Melbourne, Australia

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Languages spoken: Fluent Korean and English, Basic Japanese and Chinese

 beautiful creation

Ulzzang name: Baek Sumin

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-up ulzzang: Park Hwanhui

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Style: She absolutely adores topping a loose shirt over a pair of leggings and some flats but when she's training or feeling lazy, she's comfortable in sweaters and preferably a pair of shorts that go along with a pair of sneakers. On rare occasions, she wears dresses that are elegant but have a cute side to it as well.

casual: 1 | 2 | 3 
training : 1 | 23 |
formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Infinity sign tattooed on the inside of her left hands ring finger to remind her that no matter what anyone goes through, time won't stop for anybody so just keep moving forward. x
There is a piercing on each ear of hers.

take a deeper look


You could call Taemi a little ball of sunshine as everyone she communicates with always leaves with a smile. It is impossible for anyone to hold a grudge against her as her aegyo will light up anyones day. Taemi loves to cook, and don't mention eating, as her late father, Song Junmyeon, used to teach her the basics every Saturday morning. Unfortunately, he passed away due to a fatal plane accident when her was on his way home back from Taiwan. Having a unique fancy for raw tomatoes, especially during the night, Taemi troubles her elder brother everytime he goes to the supermarket by begging him to get some tomatoes. Of course, her brother, Song Jaeyoon, would then give in as no one can resist her deadly aegyo. You could say that any request of hers will be fulfilled with this special 'weapon' of hers. Oh, how she always never failed to crack some jokes whenever someones feeling down. But of course, Taemi wasn't always the 'happy go lucky' girl everyone knew; she has her moments too. Her past will always haunt her, bringing her to tears every other night but Song Taemi promised herself that her attempts of bringing the old her back wouldn't go to waste. Support from her family, sunbaes and other trainess would always motivate her to do her best and not give up as that was what she had always needed; care and love. 



  • bubblegum
  • sweaters
  • tomatoes
  • books
  • skinship 


  • cats
  • disrespectful people
  • ungrateful people
  • anyone poking her sides
  • teases


Isolophobia; fear of being alone or isolated.


  • rapping
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • reading
  • beatboxing [currently learning how to, but she's getting the hang of it]
  • playing the guitar


  • uses 'oh my god' too much. especially when she drops something or someone shocks her,etc.
  • arranging her bangs whenever someone/ the wind (nature) messes it.
  • biting her fingernails
  • shaking her left leg whenever she's impatient


  • loves tomatoes
  • sarcasm is a way of life for Taemi
  • dislikes cats
  • after she bites her fingernails, she usually swallows the bitten piece of fingernail as it was 'chewy' to her when she was young and it eventually became a habit
  • loves to sing even though she isn't one of the best
  • favourite variety show is running man and often hopes of guesting on the show.
  • always feels the need to dance whenever she hears a song come up


 live your life 



Taemi wasn't always the fluffball everyone knew now. Her quietness and shyness was classified into Social Anxiety Disorder by proffesional doctors after her mother, Song Eunji, reported her case to them. The main reason, of course, for her disorder was because she was always lonely. Especially after her fathers death, she became depressed for a few months until her elder brother made her snap back into reality when he screamed at her one Wednesday evening after finding her about to jump out of her bedroom window; which was really high off from the first storey. Eunji was horrified when Jaeyoon told her the news. Horrified would be an understatement. Eunji loved her children to death, to the point where she'd shed a tear even if they just had a papercut. How much more should she worry if she found out her precious daughter was intentionally hurting herself. Taemi snapped out of her trance that very moment, not wanting to worry anybody else, especially her family so she decided to start anew.

She started off by getting a tattoo of an infinity sign on the inside of her left hands ring finger as it was the only finger that was connected to the heart. This symbolises that no matter what she's going through, she should just keep moving forward as time stops for nobody. Her sense of continuity would be held closest to her heart and that would be where her tattoo is right now. Of course, she got permission from her mother after explaining to her what the meaning of the tattoo was. With her almost perfect rapping skills and dance routines, Taemi could get into any company she wanted to but she had no intention of becoming an idol at that time. But then came her wanting to start anew, and something to occupy her time, so she decided to go where life led her to and she ended up at SM Entertainment, on the 28th of September at 5.45pm, auditioning for a spot in the prestigious company.

'Start anew,Taemi' was the phrase that occupied her mind during her entire trainee period. She brought up a facade of being a 'little ball of sunshine' in the company and you should've seen the amount of people that flocked her. Taemi could brighten anyones day with her smile and innocence and she always had the urge to cheer someone up as she didn't want them to end up like the old her. Soon, she slowly stopped the facade, not because she gave up trying to be happy but this Taemi wasn't a fake anymore. Yes, she was used to being known as the 'cheerful girl of block 7' for 2 years but this time round, it was her personality. Her true personality; and no one had the right to tell her if she was playing it or not. She started building up her confidence each and every step of the way, not forgetting the other trainees that needed help. Taemi was and will be the most lovable girl you will ever meet; and this time, no more games. Song Taemi is now and will forever be known as the 'cheerful girl of SM Entertainments new girl group; innocence'.


Mother:  Song Eunji | 46 | Manager of a well known bank in Korea which is 'JUN'S BANKS' alive/decased | Eunji is a really caring woman, always there to help anyone in need. She's also always cheerful and outgoing and she can always relate to her children because of her childlike character. I guess that's how Taemi got those genes. It was impossible to say that Eunji was unfazed by her husbands death. During the first month of her husband's passing, Taemi and Jaeyoon would always wake up to a mother with dark circles under her eyes. She would always pat and claw at the empty space next to her on the bed while sobbing before she goes to sleep. Her children didn't know about this since they all had their own rooms until they heard unmistakable sobs coming from their parents' room. When they found out, they were shocked and not to mention dejected as they knew their mother as an exceptionally woman who never failed to smile at anyone who passed by her. They eventually made her consult a therapist and luckily, that helped her a lot and now she's back to the outgoing woman everyone knew. | Ever since Eunji's children helped her through that emotional phase, she felt indebted to them even though they were her children. She would always treat Taemi (and not to mention her brother) lovingly and nicely and always acceed to their requests even though Taemi would continue to politely tell her that there was no need to do so and just treat them as though that incident never happened. Instead, Eunji continued to treat them the same way. However, she didn't treat them this way just because of that incident. Eunji loves her children to death and she'd never forgive herself if she hurt them in anyway. Eunji always never fails to watch Korean dramas with Taemi as the duo has a special place in their hearts for it. Jaeyoon would occassionally irritate them by complaining that he 'needs to watch a soccer match because apparently, he made a bet that Liverpool was going to win this one' but he would always end up watching dramas with them. Eunji didn't agree to Taemi wanting to become an idol at first, but when she realised that her daughter needed something to turn to other than her family, she finally agreed. It wasn't like she could do anything because Taemi gets whatever she wants because she's just that perserverant. Eunji eventually turned into Taemi's '#1 fan' after watching her rap and dance; Eunji knew that her daughter had the talent.
Father: Song Junmyeon | 49 (as of now) | Founder of 'Song Corps' | alive/deceased |  Junmyeon was the total opposite of his wife. He was always seen with a frown or a straight face. The famous phrase 'opposites attract' can go well with their relationship but Eunji, his wife, was able to smile like an idiot. Eunji never fails to make anyone smile, just like her daughter, and Junmyeon wasn't an exception. The only people that could make him literally laugh out loud was only his family; and maybe a rare case of really funny people. Junmyeon was a workaholic and he used to be the founder of the famous  'Song Corps' until he passed away. He was a workaholic, always flying through different countries every week, unable to spend a lot of time with his family. Unfortunately, during one of those flights, the plane he was on had a rare malfunction. The pilot of that plane knew that there was no hope or any chance that anyone would survive so when he realised it, he broke the bad news to every single passenger of the plane. To sum things up, the plane did crash and an article about it was featured and was on the front page of the daily newspaper and sadly, his wife was reading that exact edition of that newspaper. | Junmyeon was the best father anyone could ever ask for but he didn't show it to anyone else except his family because he didn't want his 'cold persona' to be scraped off. Just like his wife, he would acceed to any of his childrens' requests and one example is teaching his daughter how to cook. Yes, Junmyeon was an exceptional cook; he could whip up anything they wanted and he occassionally cooks with his wife for some meals. Despite his busy schedule, he would never fail to spend time with is family when he's on breaks or when the company's on hiatus. His relationship with Taemi was really strong as they spend quite a lot of time together by cooking, playing sports like Badminton and just simply spending 'quiet times' together.


Song Jaeyoon | 20 Cashier of a nearby cafe, 'Bon Appetite' | alive/decased | Jaeyoon is like the male duplicate of Taemi. You could say that the 'cheerful genes' run in the family.  Wherever his mother,Taemi and him went, they'd light up the entire place with their really loud laughter as the trio just clicked. You could say that if you put the three of them together, it would be like adding oil to the burning fire. As the only man left in the family, Jaeyoon relied on himself to set an example to them; to try to be happy even after their fathers death. So when his fathers funeral came, Jaeyoon didn't shed a single tear  but instead he bottled up all his feelings. It was hard for him to do so but when he saw his family's state then, he had no choice. He didn't want them to suffer even though he was suffering himself. Oh, the irony.  You could say that he was hurt the most but not only did he lose his father, but his mother and sister for a few months as well; mentally. He had to go through that and not to mention, act as if he was doing perfectly fine without the presence of his father. Eventually, the entire family got over the passing of their beloved father and husband respectively and life for that family went back to normal after more than half a year; all thanks to Song Jaeyoon. | Jaeyoon and Taemi couldn't ever be separated. Jaeyoon was like a pencil and Taemi an eraser, both unable to live without each other, as cheesy as it seems. Taemi would be able to cheer Jaeyoon up even on his darkest days and vice versa. When Taemi went through that horrible incident, Jaeyoon was devastated. He was worried for his other kind, his sister. She was always so bright and lively until she attempted suicide. No one ever expected her to do that, not even Jaeyoon, who was the closest to her. They shared secrets, be it crushes or what not, but Taemi didn't tell him about this one. Jaeyoon was disappointed of course, but he understood her. Taemi and their father were close and Junmyeon's death was unexpected as well. He wasn't disappointed just because of that but because he, the other half of his sister, couldn't bring her out of that suicide phase. It seemed impossible until he and his mother both agreed to bring her to a psychiatrist, only then was she able to to return back to the bubbly girl everyone knew. Jaeyoon was really supportive of her wanting to become an idol, he did everything he could to help her get into a company and now that she was in one, Jaeyoon could probably be the proudest older brother anyone ever knew of.

Best Friends:

Jung Hyosung | 22 | Secret |  Hyosung and Taemi met when they were still in their diapers as their mothers were best friends as well. Hyosung always gives Taemi advice and support whenever she needs it. When Hyosung found out about how Taemi attempted suicide, she was devastated as she thought she wasn't doing well as a best friend. When Taemi got back to her normal self, she apologised to Hyosung for how she behaved and reassured her that she was the besest friend that anyone could have. The duo are inseparable, sometimes even hanging out with Jaeyoon and Yongguk, as Hyosung was like a sibling to them. 

 Bang Yongguk | 21 | B.A.P | Yongguk is like a second older brother to Taemi and both of them could connect well as Taemi knew Yongguk back then since he was known as 'Jepp Blackman'. They took the same rap classes and were the closest out of all the other students. Yongguk would occassionally come over to Taemi's place and practice their rap together and sometimes they would go through dance routines as well. Taemi's mother loves Yongguk to death and thinks that Taemi and Yongguk are the 'perfect match'. However, whenever Taemi's mother would voice out this opinion, Jaeyoon would always cut in and protest, being the overprotective elder brother he is. When Yongguk found out about what happened to Taemi, he was dejected but he remain composed as he didn't want to worry Taemi even more. He eventually got over the fact that she really attempted suicide and the both of them continued to act like how they usually did. 


Krystal Jung | 17 | f(x) | Taemi met Krystal when she was still a trainee because Krystal was the one who helped her when she had trouble during her trainee days and the fact that she was in the same company too. Taemi would usually seek help and advice from Krystal as she looked up to her when she was still auditioning to become a trainee as Krystal didn't give up even though she faced a lot of harsh comments. 

Jung Ilhoon | 17 | BtoB | Ilhoon and Taemi became friends as Ilhoon was also in the same rap class as Taemi and Yongguk. Ilhoon would occassionally copy their class homework from Taemi as she usually got the highest for their rap tests. Taemi didn't mind though, as she used to have a small crush on him until she found out that he had a girlfriend. But still, she had a special place in her heart for him so she didn't mind at all. She eventually moved on from him. It was unexpected when she found out that Ilhoon debuted in a seven member band called 'BtoB' as he was always known as the 'notorious boy from class 3' in music school. 


Sulli | 18 | f(x) | Their rivalry isn't the usual 'I hate you','Go away' or 'Yah,scram!'. It's more of a friendly competition between two people from the same company wanting to prove themselves as a better idol. They wouldn't benefit anything from this but both agreed to be a motivation to the other when one is feeling lazy or wanting to give up. It's like a friend who wants to challenge you to make you do better than how you're doing now. Their so called 'contract' started when Taemi visited f(x)'s dorms when she was still a trainee, when Krystal invited her. To make the story short, Sulli got close to Taemi after that meeting and while they were getting to know each others strengths and weaknesses, they realised that they had stuff in common; like laziness and the need of motivation. They agreed to  act as rivals and be there for each other but lately, Sulli ahs been acting strangely know that she got more popular because of her latest drama 'To The Beautiful You'. Sulli started drifting away from Taemi and avoiding her, and sometimes even criticising her real bad. The criticism felt so real to Taemi but she still thinks that this friendly competition is going on. Though to Sulli, it was over ages ago.


fast lane

Stage name: Sapphire

Persona: Queen of Ace

Position: main rapper, lead dancer

Back-up position: lead dancer, visual, sub vocalist

Trainee life:

Even though Taemi had both rap and dance classes to occupy her time and she had the talent to excel in both, she had to train for almost 3 and a half years before debuting. All the trainess were treated equally and most of her group mates have trained for over 2 years. Getting to know each and every one of the trainees was hard as Taemi had trouble getting to know new people; a contrast from her cheerful self. Fortunately, the other trainess were sociable and most of them had the decency to get to know everyone else. Taemi was grateful for that as she wouldn't know she would've survived if nobody initiated a conversation with her. She eventually got used to the other trainess, now her friends, and she's acting like her normal bubbly self as she's already comfortable with them. Taemi's known as the cheerful mood lifter as she never fails to light up the whole room. She's had some competition with the other trainees and she had to sacrifice friendships to get to debut in SM's new girl group even though she cherished those friendships a lot. Her purpose of being there was to become an idol, not to make friends anyway. Still, Taemi treated everyone as a friend and promised herself that she wouldn't sacrifice anymore friendships, no matter what circumstances.

How long you've trained: 3 years and 4 months

Singing audition: 1 

Dancing audition: 1 | 2 | 3

Rapping audition: 1 | 2 

Solo activities: 

  • acting
  • advertising (CFs,etc)
  • running man (hope to be casted)

Personal fan club name: Acers

Fan club color: #00cccc

fall for you

Love interest: Zelo

Status: Single, but interested in Jiyeon from T-ara

How they met: Taemi was getting a cup of coffee from a cafe that is well known to kpop idols when she accidentally spilled that cup on Zelo when he accidentally bumped into her. He got really pissed at her as he was in his stage clothers, about to perform for Music Bank, and he didn't know if he had time to change into a new set.

How they interact: Taemi doesn't want to interact with him as she's embarrassed and she thinks that he doesn't want to see her face after that incident, but she liked him ever since she was still a trainee as she was amazed by his rapping skills, so she likes him from afar.

Back-up love interest: Dongjun from ZE:A

Status: Single 

How they met: Same as above

How they interact: Same as above

in the end

Comments: I'm really sorry if my application got shorter and shorter at the end. >< 


fanclub name; halos 
since angels is taken by teen top, halo can be a fanclub name for innocence as angels are innocent (?) and angels have halos ahaha idk 

Other requests: I'd like it if you continue my love story as I don't really have a lot of ideas for that and I couldn't think of any. I'm sorry T-T

Password: kitty punisher


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