♕ Tales of Haneul University ♕ || Cha Ji Dong

Haneul International University of the Arts

Application Form


Username + Profile Link: Hael-Tan

Activeness: 9/10

Do You Know Me?

Name: Cha Ji Dong

Nickname: JiDo; it was a name given to him by a childhood friend. He can't remember who this friend was.

Age: 21

Birthdate: January 23rd, 1991

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood Type: AB

Korean >> Fluent
English >> Averge

I am Hot

Ulzzang Name: Gwak Min Jun (You can use either Min Jun or Hyung Seok for Ji Dong. I like them both! So, it dun' mattur to meeeeeeee. :'D)


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Ulzzang: Park Hyung Seok


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Style: He likes to wear sweaters and knitwear and things that make him feel comfortable. He favors uniforms and enjoys wearing oversized shirts, along with tee's and jeans. He likes to accessorize with hats, because he claims his hair style is always messy - which, really isn't a problem because his hair is.. PERFICALLY, PERF. Besides hats, he's really into shoes. He wears his uniform freely. He refuses to wear ties, and tries to avoid them at all costs. He likes keeping his image clean, simple and cool.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Additional Information: He's got a tatto, drawn from his right shoulder blade to the middle of his back. The image is of a dragon.

Real Story


He was always into drawing as a kid. He was admired by his friends and was popular with girls back then - he enjoyed the fame. His parents were the complete oppisite - they didn't appreciate his talents. Like the typical parents they were, they wanted him to a doctor, a lawer, or something WAY more successful. Buuuut, of couuuurse, he rebeled against them. His older brother was the only one to accept his brother's talent; he was the one to enroll him into Haneul University. Ji Dong was always the troublemaker in school. He'd pull pranks and loved getting into fights over stupid things that really didn't mean much at all. He, himself, couldn't understand why he was so rebelious..
The answer was simple. His parents never payed attention. It was always on his Hyung. If he could be appreciated by other kids, why couldn't he by his parents? It just didn't seem fair.


When it comes to Ji Dong, you could say he's stupid - but, then again.. he really is. He's the typical player who loves being the centre of attention and loves to be at the top. One could say he's arrogant and one could say he's a jerk. The thing is - he's both. He doesn't like others getting into his personal state of life, and does his best to avoid that situation of others getting involved. He tries his best to deal with things by himself, unless of course, his Hyung is there to help. He may be a player, and although he's got a different woman a week, he does keep his distances with them. Still, he remains where he is. Mysterious.


  • Being the centre of attention
  • Designing interior
  • Girls who are hard-to-get
  • Sketching
  • Eating


  • Crowds
  • Clingy people
  • Presistant people
  • Liars
  • Kids


  • Cooking
  • Drawing (Of course~)
  • Posting on ulzzang


  • Sighs, or clicks his tongue when he's angered or irritated
  • Like a girl, he eats a lot when he's upset
  • Under pressure his voice cracks

Trivia: Sometimes, when he's bored, he'll mess with girls by using his "aegyo" tactis. He doesn't use it a lot.

Without U


  • Father: Cha Jin Ho | 49 | Businessman | Alive | He's an overworker who favours his eldest son | Isolates him because of his decisions
  • Mother: Cha Mae Ra | 47 | Pharmacist | Alive | She owns a small pharmacy. Doesn't pay a lot of attention to her kids. | She always compares him with his older brother.
  • Brother: Cha Tae Kyung | 26 | Lawer | Alive | He's homoual; he keeps this a secret from his parents | He treats Ji Dong better than their parents. He loves his younger brother dearly, and makes sure he's treated well.


  •  Bang Minsoo (CAP) | 19 |  Leader of Teen Top | Alive | A dorky, yet mature bestie | Acts similar to Tae Kyung and looks out for Ji Dong despite his younger age.

Past relationships:

  • Chang Hwa Chan | 21 | Model | Alive | She was Ji Dong's ex. | She was completely obsessive. Everyday she'd contact him, over and over and over. She didn't realize he had more than one relationship at the time. After the breakup, she's becomes desperate to be in another relationship.. with Ji Dong...

Wake Up

Rival: Kim Himchan | B.A.P | 22 | Fine Arts | He's like a different version of Ji Dong. But, a tab more arrogant.

Why are you rivals?
They see each other as threats, seeing that they're both in the same catergory of image and populatiry. Himchan often tries to impress Victoria, and for some reason Ji Dong doesn't like it.

How do you act around each other?
  It's mainly dirty looks. But, when they make a closer encounter, it starts from tiny insults to larger arguments to a full-out fist fight.

Love Beat

Love Interest: Song Victoria | f(x) | 25 | Music Division | She's a very sweet girl who isn't the type to be fazed by pretty boys like Himchan OR Ji Dong.

How you met each other?
∴ Victoria was introduced to Ji Dong by one of her fangirling friends.

How do you act around each other?
∴ Since Ji Dong is confused over his feelings for Victoria, he acts like a jerk. A jerk - but, yet a player. He plans to win her heart, and throw it away once he's finished. He refers to her as "Ahjumma", just to bug her. But, it just doesn't seem to work. He gradually warms up to Victoria and grows soft. Victoria on the other hand sees Ji Dong as a kid. She sees him as nothing, but a cute little Dongseang (Is that the right word?) and treats him kindly.


Second Love Interest: Amber Josephine Liu | f(x) | 20 | Music Division | She's a tomboyish girl who doesn't understand the meaning of 'Love'.

How you met each other?
∴ She was on her way to an empty music studio when she saw that is was occupied by Ji Dong.

How do you act around each other?
∴ When she first sees Ji Dong, she is overwhemled with an undescribible feeling. Because she's more boyish, she can't tell what this feeling is. She acts friendly when Ji Dong's around - sometimes giddy, but she keeps her cool. Ji Dong barely realizes Amber's there. He's too focused on Victoria. There are times when she does her best to get his attention by changing her apperance.


Back Up Love Interest: Choi Sooyoung | Girl's Generation | 22 | Art Division | She's really corny and loves to be carefree.

How you met each other?
∴ Sooyoung confronted Ji Dong and confessed her feelings openly, claiming that she had been watching and loving him from afar. Of course, Ji Dong rejected her on the spot, but she refused to give up.

How do you act around each other?
∴ Ji Dong ignores her most of the time, but he notices that Sooyoung is real cute. Sometimes he'll play with her heart and act Princely. Sooyoung really likes Ji Dong, and feel determind to get him to love her, NO MATTER WHAT. She'd do anything for him.

I hope

Division & Course: Fine Arts Division

Specialzation: Designing interior, sketching, and able to critisize other's sense of style.

Dorm: Yes | No

Dream: He wants to be seen as an artist who, not only can be attractivly cool, but can be successful in what he does. He wants to prove to his parents that the choices that he makes are right. He wants to prove that his talents can be made big.

Extra Extra

Comments, Suggestions, Questions, Violent Reactions?: asdfgdsfdad-- Hello again. I-I'm sorry that my first application was baaaad. I kind of rushed it and didn't really.. think it through. So, I think it'd be obvious that she'd be rejected. So, I'm sending another application as a boy~ Haha. Personally, I found this easier to make than the female. Mew. Ihopeitturnsoutwell. HWAITING GUUUUUYS. I look forward to the story (Even if both my apps' are rejected! LOL~)

Password: That - That XX by G-Dragon.

Anything goes:
"Totomato is MIIIINE." Ohhhh, the feeeeels.


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Omg you don't know me an all but asdfghjkl
Do you mind if i used ji dong as a rival for my character?