❀cherry blossom entertainment || Cha Ji Dong


user information
username: Hael-Tan
profile link:
name: Hael
activeness: 9/10

the basics
character name: Cha Ji Dong
nicknames: JiDo - A nickname given to him by his bestfriend Eun Chan. HERE

age: 20
gender: [x] male [] female
birthdate: Febuary 3rd, 1992
ethnicity: Korean

hometown: Seoul, South Korea
birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
: Korean [3], English [2]

that pretty face
[ Go ahead and use Min Jun or Hyung Seok. I like them both! :'D]
ulzzang name: Gwak Min Jun
photo links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
backup ulzzang: Park Hyung Seok
photo links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

height: 182 cm
weight: 57.7 kg
style: Ji Dong's style is similar to Eun Chan. He likes to wear sweaters and knitwear and things that make him feel comfortable. He favors uniforms and enjoys wearing oversized shirts, along with tee's and jeans. Like Eun Chan, he accessorizes with hats, because he claims his hair style is always messy - which, really isn't a problem because his hair is.. PERFICALLY, PERF. But, he prefers shoes over hats ANY DAY.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4

more detail
personality: Described in Eun Chan's profile, Ji Dong is an idiot. He does stupid things AAAAALL the time; he hits on girls and tries to act swaggie, but never succeeds. He's good in school, but he definiately does NOT have any street smarts. He likes messing around with cute girls - especially girls like Victoria. He often gets scolded by Eun Chan for his mistakes - so, he attacks her with aegyo.

- Girls
- Cute girls
- Food
- Pretty girls
- Using ulzzang

- Handsomer guys
- Cooler guys
- Smarter guys
- Liars
- Cheese

- Dancing
- Rapping
- Posting photos over ulzzang
- Cooking
- Snacking

- Gives away corny lines
- Uses aegyo under pressure
- Taps fingers when he's impatient
- Always impatient
- Runs hand through his hair when he's deep into thought

fear: Heights; went to an amusment park with Eun Chan and rode a roller coaster. Never again.
hate: Having bed head
love: Getting girl's attentions
trivia: He's quite flirtatious~ When he first met Eun Chan he had a crush on her for a while, before he met Victoria fro f(x)

friends, family, and rivals
history: He was always into dancing and rapping as a kid. He was admired by his friends and was popular with girls back then - he enjoyed the fame. His parents were the complete oppisite - they didn't appreciate his talents. Like the typical parents, they wanted him to a doctor, a lawer, or somethinf WAY more successful. Buuuut, of couuuurse, he rebeled against them. His older brother was the only one to accept his brother's talent; his Hyung was the one who took him to auditions.

Cha Jin Ho 
 | | Businessman | Alive | Low | He's strict when it comes to Ji Dong and he favors his older son more because he is a lawer.
Cha Mae Ra | Doctor | Alive | Meadium | She's a bit concerned over Ji Dong, but like her husband, she favors Tae Kyung more.

Siblings: Cha Tae Kyung | 26 | Lawer | Alive | Excellent | He has a brother complex and finds Ji Dong talented - not to mention cute. Tae Kyung's also homoual, but he hides it from his parents, because.. it's not something they'd accept.

Bestfriend: Lee Eun Chan | Visual of the3 ang3ls | Alive | Excellent | She and Ji Dong are very-close; brother and sister-like. They always play around and do silly things. Ji Dong is often scolded because he's too much of a player.
Friends: C.A.P and Ricky from Teen Top
Rival: Key from SHINee
Why are they your rival?: He finds Key superior over him. He wants to be MORE popular than Key is, but so far has failed to provail. He also hates the fact that Key is after Victoria.

that thing called love
love interest: Victoria from f(x)
- Arrogant
- Acts sweetly around men
- Two-faced
- Tsundere (LOLOOLOL.)
- Typical rich girl

have you met?: [x] yes [] no
if yes how?: He met Victoria through Eun Chan when she claimed that she wasn't a nice person. Because he was too idiotic to realize she was a stuck-up-no-good. Still, he had feelings for her determination.

backup lover: Amber from f(x)
- Tomboyish
- Playful
- Older-sister like
- Cool
- Friendly
pick a number: 17?

my other family
groups: [] th3 ang3ls -6 member girlgroup- [x] rebelz -5 member boygroup- [] pheonix -ten member coed group- [] female solo [] male solo
group position: Face of group/dancer/rapper

idol/trainee life
stage name: J.E (Stands for Ji-East. Dong can also mean "East" in korean.)
persona: Aegyo Prince
fanclub name: Darling(s)
fanclub color:
twitter: @J.E_gyorebelz

trainee years: 7
trainee life: He was a fast learner for a trainee, and he always worked hard. He was quite popular with his Noona's (Assistants and stuff) - he always seems respectful.
any preivous companies?: None~

jobs?: Modeling

how did you get accepted?: He was rejected on his first audition, but was recruited when he was discovered in male modeling. He was told that he had, "Talent" and "Potential"

the end
did i miss anything?: Nuh-uh~
comments: My first male applicant! asifgalsf-- Meow. This is fun~ Please accept him. TT  TT;;
suggestions: x
password: Noir... Oui. :'D


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