❀cherry blossom entertainment || Lee Eun Chan


user information
username: Hael-Tan
profile link:
name: Hael~
activeness: 9/10

the basics
character name: Lee Eun Chan
age: 20
gender: [] male [x] female
birthdate: January 17th, 1992
ethnicity: Korean

hometown: Busan, South Korea/ Moved to Seoul
birthplace: Busan, South Korea
: Korean [3], English [1]

that pretty face
ulzzang name: Park Sora
photo links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
backup ulzzang: Jo So Yeon
photo links:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

height: 170 cm
weight: 47 kg
style: Style: Eun Chan's closet consists of mainly sweaters, jeans, shorts, tank tops, hats and pretty much anything simple and easy to work with. She isn't the type to be frolicking around in a skirt - unless it's her uniform. Depending on the style of the uniform, she'll wear it whichever way keeps her comfortable. Blazers will be kept open, vests will be accessorized with playful pins, brouches, buttons, etc, long sleeves and blouses will either be kept down to her wrists or rolled up to her elbows. Ties are on and off. Usually, they aren't worn because she's too lazy to put them on. Skirts aren't that much of an issue, but she doesn't feel all that comfortable with them on.

Eun Chan is mostly fond of knitwear (sweaters, scarfs), plaids, and hats. More likely to be seen as winter wear. Something Eun Chan would never wear would be turtle necks, or any paticular clothing that'll expose.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

more detail
personality: Eun Chan is one of those "goodie-goodies". She's quite the perfectionist and always as an issue with her being "imperfect". Despite the fact that she's alwaysing downing herself, she DOES wear a smile. Basically, Eun Chan's an insecure girl who only knows how to compliment others than herself. When it comes to others, she's the sweetest girl around - until, of course, they compliment her. Denial. Always, denial. Yeupit-yup. This chick's a strangie. Besides critisizing her apperance, she does the same with her vocals and skills, in which she praises her members over and over and over and over and.. over.. and.. over.. and--..

She's also EXTREMELY clumsy - but, that's what makes her cute? (HAHAHAHA. Koff.)


  • Looking at ulzzangs
  • Following pretty people on twitter
  •  Salad
  • Complimenting pretty people
  • Playing piano and acoustic guitar



  • Snakes
  •  Bugs
  •  Heights
  •  Being poked
  •  Older men/guys


  • Playing guitar and piano
  •  Using her twitter
  •  Following ulzzangs
  •  Singing
  •  Being a stalker and taking photos of pretty people


  • Staring at cute girls/boys
  •  Scratching her ear or chin when she's thinking
  •  Chewing her nails
  •  Bringing her camera everywhere
  •  Dropping things

fear: Older men (Around their 20's and up) When she was younger, she was often told she was "Pretty" or "cute" by older men, who were either her mother or father's friends and coworkers. One day, she was walking by herself from school and happened to encounter a man that she did not know. After claiming she was, "The cutest girl" he had ever seen, he tried to feel her up, but of course, frightened and scared, she ran. After that, she could never trust being complimented on her apperance. It just brings bad memories.

hate: Being complimented frequently - she'll just denie it over, and over. Even worse when they're from guys older than her. She'll avoid them.

love: Cute people, and eating.

trivia: So, Eun Chan isn't comfortable with men.. It's kept a secret from her agents and such so they don't isolate her from collabs' and what not, for she finds her fear real difficult for her members. She does try her best to be around males - but, there are usual hints here and there that she's frightened.

friends, family, and rivals

history: Her family was really small. Consisting of no siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, cousins or grandparents! Just her mother and father. Since she was younger, her parents had always taught her well about music. Constant lessons with piano and guitar were always nice and it kept the three together most of the time. School was the only issue. Eun Chan wasn't the best student, for she did tend to rebel in class and always made fun of others for their apperances. In fact, she was completely arrogant! She NEVER finished homework, she ALWAYS talked back, etc. Gradually, she learned from her mistakes from childhood, and grew to be more respectful with her elders (After that one incident - seen in the "fear" category.)

She found herself fond of KPOP and ulzzangs, and soon got interested in pretty people - cutie people and all that. She thought that praising others was better than praising herself. She thought that praising others was better than praising herself, since being arrogant wasn't all that.. well.. acceptional. She was seriously a strange one. But, what kept her similar to the others was having a passion - music. To keep her self-esteem sane, she decided to audition for a new idol group founded by Cherry Blossom Entertainment.


Lee Min Kwon | 46 | Photographer | Alive | Excellent| He's an overprotective father who loves to takes photos of his daughter. (This is where she got her habit of taking photos of cuttems'.) He gets jealous when his wife spends more time with Eun Chan than him.

Lee Mae Jung | 45 | Novelist | Alive | Excellent | She's a very worrisome mother who works her hardest when writing her books. She favours her daughter a lot and tends to serve her more food than needed.

Siblings: (x)

Bestfriend: Cha Ji Dong (JiDo) | 20 | Alive | Excellent | He's an idiot. Enough said. He does stupid things at the wrong times. He met Eun Chan when she moved to Seoul by herself because of C.B. Ent.

Friends: C.A.P and Ricky from Teen Top

Rival: Victoria from f(x)

Why are they your rival?: During training, her and Victoria were always competitive. Although, Eun Chan couldn't resist that fact the Victoria was a beauty, she still disliked the fact that Victoria was stuck up. It's even more of a problem because Ji Dong likes Victoria!

that thing called love

Love interest: Bang Yongguk from B.A.P


- Dorky

- Playful

- Failure as a flirt

- Tries to act cool, but doesn't ever succeed

Have y0u met?: [] yes [x] No

if yes how?:

backup lover: Zelo from B.A.P


- Respectful

- Cute

- Dorky

- Refers to Eun Chan as Noona

pick a number: 7?

my other family

groups: [x] th3 ang3ls -6 member girlgroup- [] rebelz -5 member boygroup- [] pheonix -ten member coed group- [] female solo [] male solo

group position: Face of Group/Vocal

idol/trainee life

stage name: Chanie

persona: Innocent Maknae

fanclub name: GwiGwies (From the korean word, "Gwiyeon" - Cute)

fanclub color: -----------------

twitter: @ChanChan_ang3l

trainee years: 8

trainee life: She was the slowest one to debut because she wasn't that confident, as said earlier. She was put into various groups, but never debuted with them because she wasn't suited for their images. She became friends with C.A.P and Ricky from Teen Top, who act like brothers to Eun Chan. She hangs out with Ji Dong a lot too, because he's also debuted.

any preivous companies?: No~

jobs?: Nope~

how did you get accepted?: There was an audition near Busan; she took her guitar and sang/played G-Dragon's That XX. She was recommened to enter another audtion in Seoul, which she accepted gladly and willingly moved. She re-auditioned and was finally recruted.

the end

did i miss anything?: Nuuuur~

comments: Myan. My third application. The first one, I didn't make. Second one was harshly critisized, cuz I was a pabooooo. THIS IS MY THIIIIRD AND I TRIED MY BESSSSST. ASFIHGALSFS-- Applying is hard. x____x But, I hope you enjoy Eun Chan! asfhuasf-- Goodluck with the story guys! HWAITING. \(><;;)/



suggestions: Everything's good!

password: Zelo Blue~~ Kekeke.


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