♕ Haneul University ♕Application || Kim Hae Jung

Haneul International University of the Arts

Application Form


Username + Profile Link: Hael-Tan

Activeness: 9/10~

Do You Know Me?

Name: Kim Hae Jung

Nickname: (x) None

Age: 20

Birthdate: January 17th, 1992

Birth Place: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood Type: O

Korean >> Fluent (Sometimes spoken in a gyeongsang dialect.)
English >> Can't keep up a conversation, but can say phrases here and there.

I am Hot

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye (CHANGED IIIIIT. :'D)


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Ulzzang: So Jo Yeon


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Style: Hae Jung's closet consists of mainly sweaters, jeans, shorts, tank tops, hats and pretty much anything simple and easy to work with. She isn't the type to be frolicking around in a skirt - unless it's her uniform. Depending on the style of the uniform, she'll wear it whichever way keeps her comfortable. Blazers will be kept open, vests will be accessorized with playful pins, brouches, buttons, etc, long sleeves and blouses will either be kept down to her wrists or rolled up to her elbows. Ties are on and off. Usually, they aren't worn because she's too lazy to put them on. Skirts aren't that much of an issue, but she doesn't feel all that comfortable with them on.

Hae Jung is mostly fond of knitwear (sweaters, scarfs), plaids, and hats. More likely to be seen as winter wear. Something Hae Jung would never wear would be turtle necks, or any paticular clothing that's tight? (If that's how you'd explain it. asflkdj-- >___<;;)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Additional Information: Her hair is kind of difficult to handle, so she likes to keep it tidy by either pulling it into a bun, a ponytail, or plainly keeping it hidden by wearing a hat. She doesn't have any peircings. If she were to wear earrings, they'd be clip-ons. Jewelery isn't often worn except for wrist watches and braclets.

Real Story

Background: (added)

Hae Jung's life was kind of.. boring. Her parents were always working; going to meetings, business trips or just going out for fun. The same was with her brother. He was never home, nor did he have anything to do with Hae Jung. She was always home alone, reading books or just sitting there, doing her school work. But, what did that matter?
Hae Jung wasn't that social in school - frankly, she didn't bother making friends with anyone. She just sat there, being a goodie-goodie and studied. She thought, "I don't need friends. I just need to succeed." so, lonliness wasn't that big of a deal. Apparently, that wasn't the case. Her parents grew concerned over this. Soon, it was brought into the school that she was being bullied. This fact was not true. It was Hae Jung's own fault for not being able to bring up the fact that she didn't have friends, nor did she want any. Why was this? Maybe because, secretly, she was insecure.
As she grew older, the issue wasn't left. She was still a little loner who didn't want a lot to do with friends. Gradually, she was more isolated than ever. It was her choice to realize weither if she was making the right choices - of course, she was not. It occured to her that being by herself wasn't all that great. So, she tried her best to make some friends, but it wasn't as easy as she wanted. That's where the music comes in. It lifted her spirits, and kept her sane. It inspired her to be a musician. And, perhaps, someone new.


∴ When coming to Haneul University, Hae Jung keeps a plastered smile. She does her best to stay active with others, and of course, tries to be a social butterfly. Hae Jung tries to remain with this new, "Cheerful" girl image. She's been doing good so far. She acts cheerful, speaks cheerfully, and always stays positive. But, it really isn't her. She's basically wearing a mask. She's insecure and not confident in anyway. She thinks that this new Hae Jung is an improvment, when in reality, she's only lying to other and herself. Opposed to her fake happy-girl persona, Hae Jung is actually really short-temepered, and tries to endure not snapping. Thus, she stays smiling whenever she can. She's frightend of others seeing who she really is - but, then again.. she really doesn't know, herself.


  • Spicy foods (Things like dukbokki~)
  • Mainly food
  • Jay Park (Park Jae Beom) formally from 2PM
  • Foriegn things
  • Traveling
  • Books
  • Photography
  • Posting photos over Ulzzang, twitter, facebook, and instagram.
  • Making friends
  • Spending time with family (Which doesn't happen often)


  • Making minor mistakes
  • Crowds
  • Small spaces
  • Empty fridges
  • Those who try to get personal
  • Being critisized
  • Liars


  • Composing songs
  • Reading
  • Playing piano, acoustic guitar
  • Singing


  • When she's nervous, she'll chew her nails
  • When she's impatient she'll hum english songs
  • Often chews the inside of her cheek when she's deep into thought (Sometimes her lips - which'll bleed after a while)
  • When she's irritated or angry, she'll speak in her hyeongsang dialect

Trivia: She collects a lot of Hello Kitty, Keropi, Rilakuma and other various mascot character-items. All varey in clothes, plushes, pillows, and wallpaper. Which also include Jay Park (Who she's a real big fan of.)

Without U


Kim Min Cho | 46 | A writer for a world-wide, nature magazine | Alive | He's a quiet and moreover a workaholic. | Show favouritism towards son.

Kim Hwa Jung | 46 | A photographer; works the same as father | Alive | She's friendly and somewhat of a worry-wart | Overprotective.

Kim Jun Hyun | 25 | Traveler | Alive | Like his parents, he travels world-wide | Acts cold towards his younger sister, and isn't often there.

Kim Himchan | 22 | Visual of B.A.P | Alive | Hae Jung's older cousin; close to Hae Jung | Acts more brotherly than her actual brother.


Kim Himchan | 22 | Visual B.A.P | Alive | -------- (Already used as a family member.)

Amber Josephine Liu | 20 | Part of f(x) | Alive | Completely carefree and playful | Although she's of the same age, she acts like an older sister.

Wake Up

Rival: Song Victoria | f(x) | 25 | Music Division | Victoria is actually a very sweet girl! It's just something about Hae Jung that bugs her..

Why are you rivals?
∴ She was once a childhood friend of Jun Hyun (Hae Jung's older brother), whom she also fell hard for, and found that Hae Jung was in her way.

How do you act around each other?

∴They don't try to be at each other's necks, but they don't get along that well. If anything, they'll have little bickerings here and there over stupid things. So, it's more likely that they try their best to avoid each other. Hae Jung being best friends with Amber doesn't help as much..

Love Beat

Love Interest: Bang Yongguk | B.A.P | 22 | Music Division | He tries to be a flirt but, always fails epically when it comes to Hae Jung. He's extremely corny and is seen as a dork - but, that's what makes him a cutiepatootie.

How you met each other?
∴ He was introduced to Hae Jung through Himchan.

How do you act around each other?
∴ At first, they're kind of awkward and seem a bit out of place with each other. Gradually, they become close friends and hang out more often than usual.


Second Love Interest: Choi Junhong (Zelo) | B.A.P | 16 | Performing Arts | He feels attracted to Hae Jung and usually refers to her as, "Noona".

How you met each other?
Like his Hyung, he was introduced to Hae Jung through Himchan.

How do you act around each other?
∴ Whenever Hae Jung Noona's around, he acts a bit shy. He tries his best to get her attention, but feels defeat because of Yongguk. He treats Hae Jung really sweetly, and would do almost anything she asks!


Back Up Love Interest: Moon Jongup | B.A.P | 17 | Performing Arts | Somewhat of a badboy. Likes to play it cool around girls.

How you met each other?
∴ Again, through Kim Himchan. (Kekeke.. ;orz)

How do you act around each other?
∴ Jongup isn't that respectful around Hae Jung. In fact, he's more likely to be a jerk around her because Hae Jung doesn't fall for him as easy as the other girls would. (Basically, the typical "Player" character. Haha..)

I hope

Division & Course: Music Division

Specialzation: Singing in acapella, playing acoustic guitar, piano and sometimes raps! (Which, isn't that suited for her.) Sings in either ballad or pop.

Dorm: Yes

Dream: She wants to be skilled in all ranges of music and dancing. She isn't that great at being a dancer or actress, but she's always willing to try. Her occupation right now is learning different intruments and singing different genres of music.

Extra Extra

Comments, Suggestions, Questions, Violent Reactions?: Meeeeeep. I did what I couuuld! I'M SORRY THAT THE FIRST TIME IT CAME OUT WAS REAL.. YOU KNOW.. ADLJIGBOASIFAF-- HNNNGH. AND ALL. S-S-SO.. YEAH. :'D I ALSO APPLIED AGAIN AS A MALE, SO I HOPE I HAVE A CHAAAANCE. WEEEEE-- Koffkoff. Keep up the good work guys! e v e (omigerd. why I spam? ;orz)

Password: That - That XX, By G-Dragon.

Anything goes:


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