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Username: Heehullover

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Character name: Gail Kim or Km Gail

Ethnicty: Korean

Age: 35






 Family Background:

On-screen Gail is a Tough chick with a bad attidue. She has never been the same since her parnents , Father is a doctor and Mother is a retired boxer who now is relaxing in a bath full of money she only has that money so by sitting in it in the bath she is protecting it, kicked her out. She never understood that her parents kicked her out because they didnt want her living off the money, they wanted her to make her living  off of her OWN money.  In anger towards Her parents she became a wrestler to realase her anger. After she realized that she is really good at wrestling she continued down that path and still today she is a werstler and VERY GOOD wrestler!!!

Off-screen : She is actully very kind and caring. She has a very unique kind of laugh and is really protectiveover her friends and famiy!  But do not get her mad because she will lash out and beat the S**T out of you! She does modeling for sports magazines and has a Very close guy frned name Kim Heechul who sheis VERY protective about.





On-screen: very special, very unique, Him-self well trys to be himself because he has no idea how to express him self. He is caring even tought you may not think so but he is. You may think that he doesnt try to lip sync or even dance but thats just him. He as a very good explanation for everything!! He may seem girlish but thats because of his unique ness very weird.

Off-screen : VERY protective towards the ones he loves and to the ones who will do the same for him/ to him.Very caring and good will. Also do not get him mad because he will win wiether its a sceaming fight or afist fight he will ALWAYS WIN!! nHeloves his video games so do not mess with hm on that and also he is gniunly very happy!!




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