The man mercilessly crushed another foot upon the lifeless girl's back. An imprint of his muddy soles were left on her blouse, the grooves and curves visibly expressed. The girl whimpered underneath his shoe – a cry that was quickly snuffed out as her chin hit the floor and she then remained, quiet.


What should we do with her?” One of the members holding onto a bat called out to the girl in the center of the crowd, the one who called the shots. Gingerly, Kate lowered herself to the floor as she peered at the unconscious girl with cold, unfeeling eyes.


Get rid of her. That was what you guys promised to accomplish. Now get to it. It doesn't take a lot to kill her in that state. One blunt force to the head and she'd be gone for good. Hurry up before somebody takes notice of us! How long do you think we can stay on somebody else's porch?” Angrily, she snapped as she took a step back, letting her underlings take charge.


The member with the bat looked down at the girl lying on the floor, her body sprawled out in a disconcerting manner. He shut his eyes and mumbled, “Well, hate to break such a pretty woman, but I've got to do what I have to do.”


He raised the bat high over his head and swung, the bulk of it aimed at the girl's head.




There was a yell, and the member found the bat to be swung off his grip. It tumbled down the porch, into the corner far from his immediate reach. The member, now enraged, narrowed his eyes to focus the little light he had on the figure before his eyes. He recognized the sculpt of his shoulders and his chiselled features, the way his black smooth hair framed his face.


Aaron, why I thought I'd be expecting you around here.”


A gasp escaped from the rear. It came from Kate herself.


Aaron did not answer neither of them. He went to his knees and lifted the head of the girl off the floor, examining her. There was silence in the air as nobody dared to budge, afraid of the thickening sense of danger looming in the atmosphere. Even Kate, who should have pounced on Aaron, was peculiarly speechless, almost as though she was seeing an apparition before her eyes.


Then, without warning, in a strike faster than lightning, Aaron had flung himself at the member with the bat, his fists swinging in mid-air and landing massive punches on the guy's face. Once, then twice and thrice. His blows were heavily dealt, and his surprise attack had left the guy squirming like an octopus under grasp, trying to free himself from danger.


The other members swarmed in to try and pull Aaron off, but he was swift enough to deal with the rest of the members as they lunged at him.


Stop it! Stop it!” Amidst all the mess there was a cry of panic and pain. “I'm telling all of you to stop it, do you hear me?”


The members homed in on the familiar female voice and lowered their fists. Aaron dealt one more blow to the guy's face, watching in sick satisfaction as he spilled blood onto the floorboards.


Disregarding the girl who had called for an end, he grabbed the collar of the man and hoisted him off the ground. He could feel the other party quivering in response to his brute.


You guys are a joke.” Aaron spat. “What did she even do to you?” He tossed him backwards.


IS IT WORTH IT?” he screamed at the top of his lungs. “Is is worth it when at the end of the day you tell yourselves you just killed an innocent girl right here, before her very house! Is this what you want to see? All these innocent people killed because you were told to kill! Then what does this make of you? Some animal who can't think for themselves?”


Ha, fancy you trying to preach-”


SHUT UP!” Aaron struck a second blow against his left cheek. His jaw flew to the side, blood splurting into the distance.


Aaron!” The female voice seized again, commanding attention.


Capitulating, Aaron languidly raised his head, training his pair of beady, raven eyes on the individual bathed in the iridescent moonlight. Her hair was gracefully led down by the sides of her head and they spilled over her shoulders and her slender back. The girl he had fallen head over heels with, but had just decided to cut all ties with.


Why are you doing this?” Kate's voice came out as a shaky squeak.


Aaron glared at her. The lingering feelings of love and attachment seemed to have burned in the flames of his rage. “What are you doing, Kate? Planning on killing her? She's my friend!” he yelled out.


She's not your friend! I know you love her. I know you do. I should have suspected something on that night you brought her over to our hideout! I should have known! Why would you bring any girl there unless you had some kind of feeling for her! This woman has seduced you, Aaron! Wake up! You are dumping me, for her?” Kate's voice was reaching hysteria, tears b in the corners of her eyes. She balled her fists and looked ready to smite anything that was close enough.


Aaron felt as though all the air was out from within him. “You are crazy, Kate! What do you know about me and her? We are just living in the same roof! I'm telling you for the final time, you and I are over! I am not your boyfriend, and you are not my girlfriend anymore, so snap out of it! If you do this one more time, then do not blame me when I get rough.”


He felt a hand down the knocked out girl's belly, lifting her up into his embrace. Her leaden head rested against his neck, where he could trace the soft breathing from her nostrils. Relieved that she was at least still alive, Aaron scooped her up into an embrace and stood by the door, waiting for those unruly members to leave the premises.


You... YOU WILL REGRET THIS!” Kate cried out, her voice tearing through the night. Above their heads, the sound of a light flicking on as a woman called out, her voice in complete panic, “Who's down there? What do you want? I'm going to call the police on all of you!”


The male members scrambled off the porch, one pulling Kate on her arm.


Hey, babe. We have to get out of here right now. Don't want the cops around our tails.” he whispered into her ear, but Kate refused to budge, her feet nailed to the ground. Her gaze was fixed on Aaron, as though she still had a million more words she was hoping to say to him, but the final tug on her arm seemed to have made the difference and made her think otherwise. She turned her back on the two of them and allowed herself to get whisked off into the dark covers of the cold night.


Aaron? Aaron, is that you? My goodness! What's happening?” The shrill cries of a crone burst out from the window directly overhead, and Aaron raised his head to look at the head that was peering out the glass, trying to ignore the pair of beady, gentle eyes fixed onto him.


Hurry up and call the ambulance! She got knocked out cold!” Aaron yelled tensely, shifting Janice into an embrace as he held her in his arms and tried to maneuver her to the entrance. Upstairs, he heard the old lady move about frantically as she darted for the nearest house phone in the residence. He could make out her rabid voice as she spoke into the receiver.


Looking down at the girl in his hands, Aaron brought her up where he left her head to rest on his shoulder. He could barely feel a soft breath against his fabric – the only breathing he strained with both ears just to pick up, and the only breathing that would set his heart at ease. He honestly didn't think Kate would go over the top and come seeking Janice for revenge, but even so, Janice had nothing to do with the reason he broke up with her. Ironically, if he meant so much to her that she would want to raid a house for the vixen she believed separated them, then she would have had stopped fooling around with the gang's leader.







Damn, I can't continue this story at all. I have no idea what to type next! DAMN WHY COULDN'T I HAVE AT LEAST PROPERLY FINISHED TO SOMEWHERE WHERE I KNEW HOW TO CONTINUE. This is such a waste. I loved the story albeit I had once again portrayed the main girl in my likeness.

I just posted this in frustration. And for people who are bored and actually want to read something. I think I typed this out some years ago, where I was actually still typing this story titled, Half Heart. I think I should change the title to, "Half A Heart", though. BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT THIS STORY SO I CAN'T CONTINUE, ANYWAY.

OH. PLAGIARISM OF THESE FEW PARAGRAPHS WILL RESULT IN MY WRATH, SERIOUSLY. But, be my guest should you like to cry out to the world that you aren't capable of coming up with something original.

Damn this.

It's the same thing with Smile Maker.

Anyway, I'm typing the Paper Plane oneshot right now. Might take me some time to get back on AFF to properly reply to wall posts. I need my weekend to type out stories. XD



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tsukinohane #1
WOW. Your writing has been good since a long time before!
But yeah, cliffhangers and then you can't remember what you want to write later on. >.>
I need. To know. What happens. NEXT.