secrets never stay secrets (app.) | (Hwang Mirae)

application ---




Contact Info ---

AFF Username: kissychuu

AFF Profile Link: at your service~


Character Info ---

Name: Hwang Mirae

Nickname(s): Rae / Ray, DJ Ray-Z (like "crazy" without the "c")

Ethnicity: Korean

Spoken Languages: Korean - fluent, English - studying

Blood Type: AB

Height & Weight: 170 cm & 50 kg

Birth Date & Age: 02/02/1994 - 18 years old

Birth Place & Hometown: Daegu


Character Bio ---


At school, Mirae is a classic wallflower - she’s quiet, doesn’t like drawing attention to herself, and would much rather sit back and observe the people around her than participate in whatever’s going on. It’s not because she’s shy, however. She simply doesn’t want the chance of anyone getting too close and associating her with her social life, no matter how slim that chance is. After all, how many high school students would recognize a club dj? In that sense, Mirae is cautious, perhaps even too suspicious. Her classmates tend to ignore or forget her and she likes it that way. She’ll simply steer clear and stay on the lookout for unusual activity. Besides, you can learn a lot about others when watching them all day, which is enough to keep Mirae interested in school when the teacher bores her. The downside of keeping to herself? No one to give her a friendly nudge in class when she’s falling asleep or to lend her notes on whatever she missed - her grades suffer due to her night life, and not because Mirae doesn’t try. Mirae works hard to maintain steady grades, if only to keep her parents satisfied and stop them from prying into her “extracurricular activities.”

At work, Mirae transforms - her smiles are playful and flirty, inviting people to dance on her floor and lose themselves in the music she spins. Make no mistake, she’s still a wallflower who keeps to the sidelines with her heavy discs and stylish headphones, but she is now one of a different sort - you can look, but you definitely can’t touch. Try asking for a dance and she’ll laugh, directing you back to where you belong, among the masses possessed by her music while she remains out of reach. Of course the occasional guy catches her eye, but her careful instincts will kick in and remind her not to be too daring. Just send him a wink and blow him a kiss, maybe let him buy her a drink after her shift, but don’t get too close - as attractive as older men are, she couldn’t risk giving her real age or identity away. Mirae loves playing with music and loves the effect she and her music has on people. The club is very much a scene she enjoys, and she can and will lie to be a part of it - in fact, she does. No one knows the double life she leads and she will do anything to keep it that way.

She is determined to keep her secret. If anyone finds out, not only would Mirae be expelled, she’d lose a job she worked hard to get - and that, is not a reality she wants at all.


Born and raised in Daegu, Mirae came from a typical family with strict but loving parents who gave her a warm household and a comfortable life. Well off and socially influential, her parents had high hopes for Mirae - instead, she was an average student, reclusive at events, stubborn to a fault, and worse still, there didn’t seem to be signs of her changing any time soon. Despite her parents’ wishes for her to fit in her societal role as a member of the elite, Mirae resisted. She didn’t want to be a part of rigid formalities, especially not when she discovered a love and talent for music. Her insistence on remaining true to herself gave her a sharp sense of independence, if not outright rebelliousness, as she grew up. Nothing seemed more appealing to her than pursuing her passion, even if it meant music her parents labeled mere “ruckus.” When Mirae stumbled across a club looking for a dj, she did not hesitate to audition, pouring her love into what she can and faking her way through the rest. She was ecstatic when she was hired - as far as she was concerned, the hardest part was over. Lies and secrets meant little, mere steps to a greater stage. All that mattered was she was one step closer to a musical career. Now, if only she could hold out until she finished highschool and really have free reign over her life...

Secret: Lied about her age and used a fake ID in order to get her job at a club.

Job: Club DJ


♬ the smell of freshly baked cookies

♬ pop songs and remixed music she can dance to

♬ breezy days

♬ seafood pasta

♬ colorful post-it notes


♬ messy notes

♬ hot water running out when she showers

♬ stepping on gum

♬ formality / formal events

♬ reaching in the cookie jar and finding it empty


♬ listening to and remixing music

♬ trying new restaurants

♬ baking

♬ practicing the guitar

♬ watching scary movies at night in her pjs


♬ total night owl - would rather stay up all night and sleep all day (sadly, school doesn't allow her to)

♬ blasts music when doing homework and flails in her seat during the bridges

♬ color-codes her notes with different colored pens and post-its

♬ chews on things while she reads (for example: gum, tip of her pen, straw of her drink, her nails...)

♬ carries her music player with her everywhere


♬ rolls around in bed "to stretch" before she can get up

♬ runs late to school more often than not

♬ carries her first guitar pick in her wallet as a good luck charm

♬ writes with her left hand in pen, her right hand in pencil (she can't switch for some reason)

♬ has a vast collection of colorful gel pens and post-its

♬ divides her closet in half - school clothes on the left, work clothes on the right

♬ sings to her showerhead when a song gets stuck in her head

♬ spends an hour with make-up to make herself look older when she gets ready for work

her parents think she works the night shift at a mini mart

♬ always finds someone to drive her home from work


Mirae drinks, but sticks only to fruity or sweet cocktails and never drinks anything heavy - the last thing she needs is to get home drunk or wake up hungover. She likes the smell of smoke, but doesn't smoke herself - she tried once and thought she'd choke up her lungs. She swears when she's really angry, but she tries not to, especially at home and school - she has an image to protect, after all.


School ---

Grade: Senior.


A nobody and thankful for it - the less people able to recognize her face, the better.

Letter Grades:

Average - C's all the way, give or take a plus or minus. Even if there's the occasional D, Mirae makes sure to work extra hard to balance that poor class off with a B in another class. Her lifestyle makes it difficult for her to be an ideal student, but she does try her best, if only to keep her parents from suspecting her. She never does too well or too bad because it'd draw attention to herself, and always sticks to a comfortable middle.

Favorite Class: Music.

Least Favorite Class: Math.

Clubs/Sports: none - Mirae watches sports practices now and then though, if that counts.

Ever get in trouble?:

Not if Mirae can help it - she tries hard to maintain steady scores and stay under the radar. If she ever sees trouble heading her way, she'll find a way to avoid it at all costs.


Relationships ---


While her parents are disappointed in her inability to do better in school and adapt socially, they are thankful Mirae's not doing worse. Mirae knows they nag her out of love, but her patience can only be stretched so thin before she starts tuning them out. As such, there are times when her relationship with her parents become strained - they tell her she's a disobedient daughter for ignoring them and she tells them they're old-fashioned for not respecting her opinions, but they always make up one way or another. Her mother once tried to persuade her to quit her job, knowing it affects her academics, but Mirae insisted on work experience and argued that it'd help her in the future just as much as books would. Her father eventually agreed with her and helped convince her mother, on the condition that Mirae not let her grades slip any further. He also makes her keep a bottle of pepper-spray in her bag - even though he encourages Mirae's independence and tries to act aloof, the fact that she works at night does bother him. Her mother, although more likely than her father to nag her about school and how she should know her status, is also more likely to spoil her when they go shopping together - her father claims that, since Mirae fights them so hard to keep her job, she should use her own money, but her mother tells Mirae she might as well learn to save if she's going to learn to earn.

Siblings: Mirae's an only child.

Friends: none - Mirae keeps her classmates at arm's length, treating those who address her civilly, but never allowing anyone close.

Love Interest:

♬ Jang Dongwoo

He is cheerful and playful, yet serious when he needs to be. Mirae first meets him at the club - rather, she sees him dancing and is immediately impressed. Although fierce and charismatic on the dance floor, Mirae realizes he's sweet and gentlemanly when she offers to buy him a drink later in the night and they start talking. He's a university student and only a semi-regular, showing up on odd weekends with friends, but Mirae always looks forward to seeing him glide across the floor and to chat over drinks after. He jokes and teases Mirae more often than not, which gets on her nerves, but he is also a good listener and more insightful than he lets on. His many different sides intrigue her and she's determined to discover all of them.

♬ Nam Woohyun

He is flirtatious and outgoing, yet observant and smarter than people give him credit for. He acts oblivious, however, because it's more fun wiping the cocky smirks off people who underestimate him. A real smooth talker, he can be manipulative and come off as a player, but is really just looking for someone who'll take him seriously. "Womanizer" was Mirae's exact first impression of him when he comes up to her at the bar after her shift. They flirt openly, alternating between exchanging compliments and snarking, and Mirae finds the challenge of knocking him off his game exciting. He isn't a regular at first, but soon is, and Mirae likes to think it's because he's interested in her.

♬ Kim "L" Myungsoo

He seems cool and unapproachable, but is in fact easily amused and unpredictable. The guitarist of an underground band, Mirae is, for lack of better description, one of his hopeless fangirls. When he and his group perform at the club Mirae works at, she makes it her goal to go up and talk to him before the night ends - not as a fan, but as a fellow artist. He is polite at first, treating her as he does others that have approached him, but when she gushes over his instrument and how she's always wanted the same make, he takes an interest in her own music and strikes up further conversation. She knows that'll probably be the extent of their relationship, but a girl can hope, right?

Status with Love Interest:

More than casual acquaintances but not quite friends, Mirae hopes it'll develop into something more eventually. She's undeniably attracted to him, and for once, she's able to silence the instincts telling her to flirt and run. Her head tells her she's stupid, that if they are to have a relationship someday it'd be built completely on lies, her lies - but her feelings won't let her turn away.

He doesn't plan to let her slip away either.

Your Ex(s): none

Rival: none


Appearance ---

Ulzzang Name: Jung Roo (Lee Eun Hye)

Images: M U S I C  L O V E R 

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Hwang Mi Hee

Images: D A N C E  H A R D

Style: C O M F Y - home/school, E D G Y - C H I C - work


All Done ---

Anything Else: Password - secrets


Are love triangles an option? LOL, it was hard to rank the love interests. I'm being greedy >u<;; None! But OMG, am I glad I found this story! It has a really interesting plot, I'm glad I made it before the deadline. Barely OuO;; If there's anything wrong or confusing, feel free to change or let me know. Hwaiting on the story author-nim, can't wait for it to begin!!


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