

Username + Link: Here I am

Name: Darcee






Name:  Kiera Woo

Age: 17

Birthplace: Danville, California United States

Hometown: San Francisco

Ethnicity: Korean-American

Language(s) (3 is maximum): Korean-Fluent, English-Fluent, Mandarin-Basic

Bloodtype: O





Personality: Kiera is really smart, she’s fast learner and diligent, she also likes to keep her surrounding clean and neat. She is really pure and innocent. People say she is like untouched, white paper. However she might be immature for some things like when it comes to her food, and sleep. She hates when people snatch away her food, or disturbing her sleep. But other than those things, she’s very mature, friendly and fun to be with. She's a little too selfish sometimes and very childish most of the time, but can be serious if she has to. She’s down to earth. She's very nice and polite to everyone she meets. She always has a smile on her face making others happy just looking at her. She’s amazing when it comes to work, she becomes shy in front of any guys she’s interested in and her mind goes blank all of the sudden. She can do nothing right and absolutely clueless when it comes to love. Kiera is very friendly and likes making friend, that’s why many people like Kiera and want to be her friend even before they know she is rich. She is also a very good secret keeper. You could tell any secret to her and she won’t spill. Sometimes she holds grudges on people, but she easily forgives them after.  She loves seeing her brother laugh and smile. She gets along easily with others. She doesn't like to talk about her feelings, yet even show how she feels other than happy.  She doesn't like to show or tell anyone her feelings because she doesn't want anyone to worry about her. She keeps everything that does not consist of happiness bottled up inside of her. No one really knows what she's thinking, because she always has a smile on her face, so people think she's always happy. She can see through most people and read them, just with a little conversation. She's a perfectionist and will keep working at it until she gets it perfect.  She`s good at giving advice, but tend not to take her own advice. Crying is her major weakness. She hates crying period, because it just too hard for her to hold back her tears when she is sad.

Background: Kiera grew up in what she considered was a normal family. She was taught to be polite and kind to those older than her and to those she first meets. Her parents were both caring and always watched out for their kids. She found out she could dance as well as her brother when she just kept watching him practice every day in his room whenever she wanted to hang out with him. Her parents were even more surprised with how well she could actually dance. Her brother found out his little sister could sing extremely well when he passed by the bathroom and heard her singing loudly in the shower. He was jealous that she could sing so well, but it gave him a reason to push her to become a future idol like him. Their father was a bit strict with his son's decision to audition into NH Media but eventually became okay with it when he found out his son was going to debut. He was the same way with Kiera but eventually understood she only wanted to audition because she wanted to stay close to her brother. Out of all the relationships Kiera has with her family, she's closest to her older brother Kevin since they would always hang out and do stuff together if they weren't with their own friends.

Likes - Teddy bears

- Shoes

- Smartphones

- Hip hop

- Bubble wrap

- Sunglasses

Dislikes: - erts

- Harsh comments

- Alcohol

- Rude people

- Being Lonely

- Being pushed to do something that she doesn't want to do

- Lazy people

Hobbies: - Cooking

- Writing song lyrics

- Shopping

- Surfing internet

- Watching TV

-Dress making


Habits - Talking non-stop around her members

- Turn quiet around strangers

- Folding one of her leg when sitting

- Checks her hair before going to bed

Fears - Spiders

- Snakes

- Thunder


Trivia: - She can play flute and piano

-She has a tattoo on her wrist of a star.

- She afraid of lizards and balloons

- Goes to the same school with Teen Top's L.Joe

- She got her first TV debut when she joined a survival K-pop audition but she only got into the top 15

- Her favorite colors are Black, gold, purple and blue

- She has a Corgi called 통통 (tong tong) - Chubby

- Normally wears heels because she is so short



Ulzzang Name: Minju

Photos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6


Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Kim Shin Yeong

Photos 1 | 2 |



Casual - Here

Practice wear - Here

Formal - Here

Height: 155 cm

Weight: 45 kg



Your People




Aaron Woo | Father | 50| CEO in BSQT factory | Really cares for his daughter. He really supports his children to be idols especially Kevin who entered a big company | Very close
Woo Eun Hee | Mother | 45 | Florist | She's a really motherly mom | Very close

Kevin Woo/20/Singer/Brother/They treat eachother like bestfriend rather than siblings, They can talk about anything.

Best Friend(s):

Ahn SoHee/20/Singer/Really close

Choi Jun Hong|Zelo/15/Singer/Really Close

Woo Jiho|Zico/20/Singer/Really Close

Rivals :

Lee Ji Eun|IU/19/Singer/They are always pitching against eachother in competition. IU thinks that Kiera doesn't deserve the fame she has.



Love Interest

Name: Lee Byunghun | L.Joe

Age: 18

Personality: L.Joe is the lead rapper and he is great at rapping. He looks clod but he is really kind on the inside. He knows how to take care of a girl's feelings. L.Joe used to have a first love but she is gone and he understands that he never really loved her. He won't talk to Kiera about her because he is worried it might upset her.

Relationship with character : Secret Relationship

How are you around each other? They call and text eachother everyday to a point were the members think they may know what is going on.

How you met : Kiera was walking to school one time. She heard her phone ring and picked it up, talking to Kevin in English. When she hung up she realised that L.Joe had been walking behind her. He realised she was a trainee and they got talking to eachother. Now they are nervous about letting the media or their members knowing they are in a relationship.

Back-Up Love Interest: Oh Sehun

Age: 18

Personality: He is childish. Much like herself. He is always happly to see her and thinks the world of her.





Position: Main Rapper | Vocal | Main Dancer

Singing links : 1 | 2 | 3

Dancing links : 1 | 2 | 3

Rapping links : 1 | 2

Back-Up Position: Main Vocal | Lead Dancer

Stage Name: Era

Persona : American Sweetheart

Individual Fan Club:  Hearts






*Scene Request:

*Album Song Request:



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