Review for kpoplistener

Aish! That Jung Daehyun!


Title:  (3/5)

It doesn't amus me much, just from the title, we'll notice that Daehyun will be the leading man, thus further giving not much of a surprise to the readers since it's obvious that Namjoo will end up with Daehyun.


Appearance:  (4/5)

It's pretty and colorful but does not much of the whole story concept. Sure it's pretty but I can't give it a perfect 5.


Description and Foreword:   (7/10)

It's good but it seemed wrong when you put in the "Minor Characters" I want to put it as a correction in grammar but since it's in the foreword I need to judge it here. You only have one in the minor characters section so you should only have it as " Minor Character " not " Minor Characters". But unless you'll introduce other minor characters, I suggest you put " Minor Character(s) " or " Minor Character/s " instead. The picture for Jaehyun shouldn't be too big, you do know you can adjust the size. I think the characters should not be placed in the foreword but instead placed in the description. I suggest the credits should be alligned on the right then alligned left for the next row, and continue alternately to make it seem more organized or you should have used bullets.


Plot / Flow:  (17/20)

It seemed to happen a bit too fast, when I checked the foreword I saw only few characters but as I read the story it has more than just one minor character or more than 7 major characters. I don't understand why Namjoo doesn't want to join B.A.P. anyway, any fangirl would do so. I also don't understand the fact B.A.P. wants to set the two up anyway. So I guess it just seemed too fast and a bit cliche.

Originality:  (7/10)

You have a good plot but I guess the characters' personalities are cliche, and some are a bit bipolar. It'squite interesting though, but the starting events just seemed to common. Girl refusing, fights, etc. seemed common in a lot of romcom and fluff fanfics.


Arrangement:  (4/5)

The arrangement was great! Well, you have a well organized plot, and not one part seemed to be out of place but with Namjoo's character... she seemed a bit exaggerated (?)


Writing Style / Neatness: (4/5)

I would have given you a perfect 5 for this but the spaces were a bit too much? And dialogeu shouldn't be too exaggerated with CAPS. 


Grammar / Spelling / Punctuation: (23/30)

Here are some mistakes I saw:

I opened my mouth and made sounds you do not want to here when you’re near me.

correct: I opened my mouth and made sounds that you do not want to hear when you're near me.

comment: You can also turn do not into don't | Here  is a location or a similar to to preposition; on | Hear (✔) is to audio, or auditory

 “Cause, you’re meeting your cousin Minhwa in the dorm.” Zelo answered. 

correct: "'Cause, you will be meeting your cousin, Minhwa at the dorm." Zelo answered.

comment: add ' since "cause" is short for "because" | you're meeting your cousin is wrong since you're meeting is actually a present perfect participle, since it will be happening in the future, it should be a future perfect participle which is you will be meeting

Honestly you have a few spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. I guess the only grammar problems were the tenses and the correct time to use you're (you are) and your (possessive pronoun).


Enjoyment: (8/10)

I enjoyed your story a lot. So I rarely read romcom and fluff stories but you made me change my mind.


Overall: (77/100)

Good fanfic, keep on writing! ^^ You made me change my mind about fluff fics :)



Sorry if it took so long :o I couldn't juggle school and internet too much OTL but here it is!



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Thank you so much for the honest review! I will work harder on my grammar and other stuff. Thanks so much! ^^