V.O.H Application


Application from


Your Character:

Name: Jang JaYeon

Stagename: ---

Nickname(s): Jia

Birthdate: 17 May 1995

Age: 16

Birthplace: Singapore

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean [Fluent], English [Fluent], Mandarin [Fluent]


JaYeon is a Korean that was borned in Singapore as her parents wanted to let her stay in a safe environment. (Singapore does not have earthquakes/volcanoes/tsunami)  She was raised in Singapore for 10 years of her life, before returning to Korea when she was 11. Being exposed to different cultures and races, she respects everyone and is really friendly. JaYeon returned to Korea and continue her studies there. Even though she was the "new comer", she wasn't bullied like most would be, but was popular with everyone due to her bubbly personality. As she continues her education down the road to middle school, her popularity never dropped once.

JaYeon's strength is Dancing. She started learning Chinese Dance when she was 3, Hip Hop & Street Jazz & Contemporary dance when she was 11. She loves dancing that she practices her dance routines every single day for at least an hour. She is a helpful girl that always helps others when they don't understand some moves.

She is nice and all but just sarcastic. JaYeon loves to gives sarcastic comments but she knows not to cross the line. Perhaps, she is just influence by the Singaporean Kids' sarcasm. Her friends love and hate her sarcasm.

JaYeon auditioned with her friend just for fun. She never thought she would be able to get chosen. But, one of her biggest dream was to perform on the Golden Disk Award stage with her fans cheering. She never regretted choosing to be a KPOP Idol.






-Working Out



-To prevent herself from crying, she bites her lips

-Waking up late

-Clenching her fists when nervous

-Encouraging herself when nervous






-Hanging Out with Friends

-Junk Food

-Bubble Tea (Rare in Korea, but is it very commonly found in Singapore)



-Super Junior





-Being Alone





-Jang YongGi | Father | English Teacher in KR & SG | Humorous | Strict on what JaYeon wears.

-Kim ByeolYoon | Mother | HipHop Dance Instructor Previously, now Housewife | Humorous | Loves to dress JaYeon nicely.

-Jang KiYeol | Older Brother | High School Student, 18 Years Old | Humorous, Sarcastic | Loves to irritate JaYeon.


-Im JaeWoon | Guy Bestfriend in Korea, Elementary-Middle School | 16 Years Old | Loves to practice dance with JaYeon.

-Seon SangHee | Girl Bestfriend in Korea, Elementary-Middle School | 16 Years Old | Shoppaholic | Also Bestfriend with JaeWoon

-Jay Lee | Girl Bestfriend in Singapore | 16 Years Old | Singaporean and lives there | Crazy girl that loves ducks


Family Background:

Just another average middle class family. Her father hated the idea that her daughter would be an idol because idols tend to wear some revealing clothes. JaYeon's Mother used to teach HipHop dance when she was 20-26 Years Old but stopped when they moved to Singapore when she was 27 Years Old, pregnant with JaYeon. JaYeon's dance skills were inherited by her mum of course. JaYeon's brother always supported her in whatever she does even though he loves to irritate her.




Ulzzang's name: Su Jeong Kwon


1 2 3 4 5



Back-up ulzzang

Ulzzang's name: Park HyoJin


1 2 3 4 5


Height: 164cm

Weight: 47kg



Style: Anything comfortable that she likes :D She prefers shorts over jeans.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Position: Rapper/Dancer



Love interests

Love interest: B.A.P Daehyun

Personality: Cute, Sweet, Mysterious

Back-up love interest: BTOB Minhyuk


BtoB: EunKwang  MinHyuk   ChangSub  HyunSik  Peniel  Ilhoon  SungJae

BAP: YongGuk  HimChan  DaeHyun  YoungJae  JongUp  Zelo




Anything else?: I hope you like my character :D It is almost based on my life :D


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