Top 10 Favorite Girl Group Songs

For anyone that read my Top 10 Kpop Groups list, you may have noticed there is a major lack of girl groups.  A lack, as in, there weren't any there.

Thing is, I don't hate girl groups at all!  Yes, there are certain visual reasons I like guy groups way more but the reason I don't listen to many girl groups actually has to do with their sound.  You see, I was gifted with a low pitch of a voice.  When it comes to artists like Lady Gaga, Adele and Tony Braxton (sometimes even Pink), I can sing their songs on the radio because they have low voices.  Artists such as Katy Perry and Girl's Generation, my singing would be vocal suicide.  In fact, it's easier for me to sing Super Junior's version of "Gee" than Girl's Generation's (spoiler, they won't be on this top 10).  Most Kpop girl groups tend to have that higher pitch that I can't squeak out too well and I quite honestly hate high pitches.  That doesn't mean however that I hate ALL girl groups or songs.  

This top 10 is to prove that I can appreciate a great female group song when I hear it and that I do actually have some favorites.  I'm starting at 10 and counting down to the best.

All songs are linked in the title :D

10.  "So Cool" by Sistar

In most realities, this song would be much higher on this personal top ten, but due to an ex-roommate playing this song on a daily basis I grew sick of it for a while.  After having a break from them it's jumped slowly back on my radar.  I can't really complain about the song.  It has a fun rhythm, the dance is great and it's pretty easy to sing along (aside from those high notes I just can't hit).  I always thought this song would make a rocking personal theme.  I definitely learned a life lesson trying to dance in this...I'm terrible dancing in 5 inch heels :/.

Not to mention, the video is pretty fun as well.  If you haven't checked it out, I'd suggest it.  This song converted a few non-Kpop friends of mine into the genre.

9. "Shanghai Romance" by Orange Caramel

I actually never expected this song to catch my attention.  I remember coming across it in a mash up a while ago and I somewhat over looked it.  It wasn't until it appeared in a 'related videos' list that I considered to even check out the video.  It was a surprisingly great choice!

Although the song claims to have a Chinese melody (and I suppose it does), the song has a bit of an 80's feel to it with a catchy chorus you'll find yourself randomly singing.  The dance is simple and easy to do and it fits the mood of slight sarcasm.

Oh, and Minhyun from Nu'est is in the video.

8. "Roly Poly" by T-ara 

With all of the recent controversies with T-ara, I don't really much to comment.  "Roly Poly" just happens to be a fun catchy disco era song with a dance that was made to be done at a party.  With the video, the dance version is the only way to watch it.  There's a version with school uniforms but it's just not the same and doesn't fit the style.  

If you're up for learning a new dance, check it out.

7. "La Chata" by F(X)

I randomly fell in love with this song after a mash up.  The only part that made it into the mega mash up was Amber's rap and I thought it was just so awesome I had to look up the song.  This song was the first girl group song to even make it on my mp3 player, so for that, it deserves some honor.  For the record, I must say, Amber is one of the coolest chicks in Kpop.  

The song though, I just love singing along to it.  It definitely has the 'cool' factor for me.  I try to swing my hips like they do in the dance but eh... it loses the appeal when I.. do.. it.... *hides 

6. "Shy Boy" by Secret

This song sprung literally out of nowhere for me!  I have to thank Masa mixes (the guy is amazing) for introducing this song to me through "Why, Shy Boy"  (a mashup of "Keep Your Head Down" and "Shy Boy").  It's another song with a 50's feel to it, and personally, I think it works yet again.  I can't say much on this song other than I just really really like it.  There's seriously no rhyme or reason, it's just another great song.

5. "I am the Best" by 2NE1

I was introduced to 2NE1 through "Lollipop" with Big Bang.  I must say, they are truly top contenders in the Kpop world.  While they aren't my 'favorite' I will happily admit that they deserve crazy respect.  "I am the Best" just rocked the world last year for good reason.  The video has such a different feel to it and wasn't some 'cutesy' video found with so many other girl groups.  I feared them after this video!  What annoys me the most is when people claim that they copy Lady Gaga's style when their style was that way to begin with!  This song was in my top 10 last year and if I give it a few listens I'll probably fall back in love with it.  

And I actually completely love the wrestling belt in the beginning.  

4. "Be My Baby" by Wonder Girls

As a 23 year old, I should probably be embarrassed to admit this, but I got into the Wonder Girls after seeing their made for television movie on Teen Nick. Up to the point I had never really heard a song by them.  The movie was cute in all its cheesy moments but I did really fall in love with their music.  After that I looked up a good amount of their songs and I listened to all the greatness!  

They are so unique in that they really bring that 1950's and 60's feel back to the current industry.  After realizing they came from the same company as 2AM and 2PM, I should've known then I was getting into something special.  Of all the girl groups, this group would have the most potential of making my top 10 Kpop groups list.  

Why did I choose "Be My Baby" above the rest of their songs?  I think it's the catchiest, plus I can't get over the image of JoKwon doing the dance out of my head.  

3. "Twinkle Twinkle" by Girl's Day

First off, I LOVE the video.  The lead girl is just so great to watch with her plotting of getting all the other girls away from her man.  I'd personally like to try those techniques if I get the chance.  What makes it even better is the guy is kind of silly himself!  It's a video that I can easily relate to atleast in thought.

I actually fell in love with this song the first time I heard it.  I listened to it so much that a friend of mine made this the ringtone for me on their phone.  Similar to "Shy Boy" it's hard to put an explanation to why I love it so much.  Check it out!

2.  "Step" by Kara 

I never listened to a Kara song until the semi recent MBC Kpop Concert in California in May.  I didn't have exactly the best picture of who they were as a group or anything.  I actually got the name confused with T-ara all the time.  I decided after that concert to give them a chance and look up a few songs, and let me tell you, "Step" has YET to leave my head!  

I think it might be a synth in the background, but the background melody has part of the 'catchy' factor.  Of course, it's painfully easy to sing along to 'la la la la la,' which has its benefits.  I've spread this song like a disease as of recent, making all my non-Kpop friends listen to it and they seem to like it about as much.  In the near future, if I can find chords, I plan on doing a cover of this song on guitar because I like it so much and it's not too hard to sing.  If it's any good, perhaps I'll post it :D

Another comment, this is probably one of the few times I'll point this out ever, but I actually love the outfits in this.  I would personally wear one of the dresses in that video.  

1. "Abracadabra" by Brown Eyed Girl

Yeah, this HAD to be number one, no other choice.  As mentioned with "Step" this song also spread like a disease, but this one is up to the Black Plague levels.  EVERYONE knows the hip swing dance to the point there have been flash mobs of this.  I personally don't know a thing about Brown Eyed Girl and to me, this is almost a one hit wonder (in my head, no offense to legit Brown Eyed Girl fans) in greatness.  I consider this song and dance legendary in every aspect and don't think you can be a Kpop fan without knowing it!

Oh, and if you haven't seen it, watch 2AM/2PM's parody of this.  It's the best thing ever.


Thanks for reading :)


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