✠ 2014 Application Form ||deathlykomakii |✠


AFF Username: deathlykomakii.

AFF Profile Link: ayyy, girl♥ ~ c;


Name: Park Soyeon.

Nickname: Soya.

Date of creation: 15 February 2007. 


Name of Ulzzang: Baek Sumin. Yuko.


Name of back-up Ulzzang: Lee Dasom.




THE  WORLD'S  FIRST  HUMANLY  CHARACTERISTIC  ANDROID. SHE  WAS  THE  HUMANOID. Created in N.Korea (2007) for espionage purposes. SOYA 00001, or better known as her alias name, Park Soyeon, was used for North Korea's intellectual insight of South Korea's game as well to seduce the president in the Blue House and assasinate him. However, this humanoid has some computing errors as well, it's as if she's a schizophrenic. The professionally humanized progame has too much human emotions that she is paradoxically a introvertly social butterfly. Soyeon can make anyone smile with her kind effervescent personality and her beautiflly bright smile. She's naturally aluring and close to everyone. However, she can be very soft spoken, demure, and insecure all of a sudden and a difficult person to get to know. Soyeon is also very gullible and usually oblivious to the obvious. Yet having a bit too much of something can definitely cause harm to one's surroundings.

Soyeon absolutely loves flowers--was programmed of knowledge of all the flowers that ever existed--and antique technology, such as antena televisions, turn-tables/record-players (otl. don't know the name.) & loves to sleep, even though it's not neccessary for slumber since she's an android. She is often found seemingly lost in thought, with her vacant expression of hers. Soyeon dislikes being bored, mathematics, smiling, meeting new people (yet she's oddly friendly and sociable), cats (thinks they're annoying), pie, cleaning, but what she hates most of all is being an android.

Soyeon longed to be a human so much--to breathe in oxygen to live, to exhale her own carbon dioxide that her respiratory system had released, to have a strong beating heart, that has a pulse of its own as it rhythymically pumps blood through her own veins--that she had almost self-exploded herself. But oh such timing had to release the Living Dead among the whole human population, sparing this depressingly melancholy humanoid, who was in a quandary about her seemingly futile life. Wait, she doesn't have a life, she's a humanoid, an android, a robot; she lives forever. But humans do not. Seeing people run away from these demonic beasts, running over the slaughtered bodies that simply lay on the street, waiting for the zombie genetics to kick in, it all terrified Soyeon. But this brave humanoid girl survived from the carnivorous mutant living dead and is given a second chance--wait, first chance--in life.

Powers & Abilities: Fire & Healing. the ability to run fast.

Weapon used: Wushu Chain Whip & the Bushido Sakura Pearl Katana.


Protectee: Huang Zi Tao.

Personality: Born in a prestige family full of the wushu talent inheirited by blood, Tao has grown up to be a strong disciplined young man. With his very austere parents controlling his daily life, the boy hasn't had a taste of pure happiness as he remains powerless under his parents' rule and continues to obey. Soon, his life becomes meaningless to him as he realizes that he'll never have that freedom to do anything he wants, in fact, he has the slightest idea to what he likes. Living life like a blurr, he desires to put himself out of misery and nearly kills himself. That is before the zombie apocalyspe. Now alone in the world, his life becomes more valuable as he detests becoming one of those demonic living dead creatures and encounters a very interesting girl..

Relationship with him: Naturally an introvert, Tao is often found by himself, deep in his own little world. But ever since he has met Soyeon, he is led into her lonely yet similar world. He thinks he feels sympathy, as he could definitely relate with her and his past, and develops an attachment to her which unconsciously grows into a more deep feeling for her. Yet with his nature of his, he denies these sort of feelings, going against the beat of his heart. Through Soyeon he'll learn to lean not only on his understanding but follow where his heart lead him--Soyeon.

Back-up Protectee: Do Kyungsoo.

Personality: Hahah, such a clumsy little boy. Literally. D.O. is one who gets nervously easily, forgeting what to say in that certain moment. He is one who is gulible, with his innocent mind, and get shocked easily. Yet at the same time is complete neat-freak and a pure perfectionist. D.O. is an expert in the kitchen, but a novice in making friends. Even though it doesn't seem like so, D.O. is very athletic and has high stamina and strength. His heart is very fragile and sensitive and no one has access to it but himself. What happens when out of nowhere, the living dead rises back to life? Being exposed to such horrid creatures and seeing a large ammount of blood and violence taints his innocent mind forever. And what happens when a certain girl enters his life, not only that but his heart? 

Relationship with him: Having seen the horrible cruel current happenings of the world, D.O. tries to stay as optimistic as possible. As soon as he was loosing hope, Soyeon appears in his life, restoring hope once more. After the brave rescue, D.O. thanks her but then after, awkwardness arises between them. Desparate, yet inexperienced in the area, D.O. tries to cheer up the sullen bi-polar girl and soon finds himself falling for her. Hard. Unfamiliar to these feelings, D.O. dismisses them as assumes its just a sisterly feeling towards Soyeon. Soyeon opens up to him as she tells him about her suicidal past, but is still self-concious of her android self. D.O.  changes  Soyeon's  cruel  outlook  of  herself as  he  helps  her  accept  her  for  who  she  is  and  all  of  her  flaws  (malfunctions) and  she  begins to fall for D.O. as well. D.O. realizes his deep feelings for the girl after finding out that she's actually an android! Even though the world is very pathetic in its very ways, especially during this crucial apocalypse, D.O. and Soyeon accept these malfunctions of the world and each  other  in  their  imperfect  hearts.


Any request: If chosen, (which I highly doubt it since mine is like super long.. = w =), I would like you to protray Soyeon as a bi-polar confused girl. I WANT HER WITH LOTS OF MOOD SWINGS! lol, idk. & I kind of like D.O. as Soyeon's protectee, but that's me, lol, idk. You go on &do what you want.. > o <

Comments: Just wanted to say this is my first time doing RP! >///< (or whatever the appropiate word for it cx) Well to be exact, it's my first time applying for one! I had just recently got into zombies. I hate horror films &blood scares me but for some reason I can still watch zombie movies.. Anyways just saw your fic in the zombie tag &it was also tagged exo..! So I HAD to check it out, lol cx loveloveloveloveu the plot &when you start the story, I'm sure I'd definitely love it moree ~ I saw some REALLY good applications &also can't wait to see how their stories turn out with their complex characters. heheh, excuse my newbieness cx Looking forward to future updates ~ lol, i'll shut up now > u <




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