I Do Try

I know that this rp is dead for some of you~

but i just want to let you know ,i do try making it alive , promot it and stuff

and please dont leave  ://

Its kinda hard to promote it 'cuz most people are straight so i have to go to the yuri roleplays readers and promote were most of the readers in each story are the same.......

anybody wanna help me promote , i'll appreciate it 


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I will workhard..sorry~...
Orz I promise to be on more active ;~;
It's honestly fine admin.
People can say all they want.
I think this roleplay is fine.
But I did notice that you aren't replying to the people that request to join.
Maybe you just miss them by accident?
Viasta_Tiffany #4
i would love to comeback as tiff hahaha but i see someone already want to be her :p
AjLee_Azy #5
I would love to help but I have school. Sorry......(T^T)
I dont get out till 4:05