No more ranting

I've decided that I'm not going to rant anymore.

I know I have done it in the past, it hasn't done me or my friends any good so I'm going to be putting those away.

If I have a problem with the way someone acts on here then I will just PM them instead of point it out to everyone on here. No point in embarrassing them in the desire to want them to change.

I learned some time ago that you can't change people. Only God can.

I think instead I will use my blogs to only give updates and to be of encouragement or motivation.

Because we have enough people pointing fingers. In this day and age we need more giving out hugs and motivation whether it be real or of the cyber kind.

So today is the start of my new change and I will do my best to maintain it.


“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”
― Mahatma Gandhi



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I think I should start learning to do that ^^; From now on if a person bother's me I'll tell them politely and nicely why they are bothering me and ask if maybe they can tone down whatever it is they're doing :shrugs:
PenguinMaestro #4
*wipes away a tear*

That was spectacularly corny. :D
xinli_ang #5
:) <3
Ohh~~ Mahatma Gandhi is the spiritual leader of India!
:P We're talking about him in Social Studies LOL!!