I love her

So the other day, Sunday to be precise, I was texting my best friend that goes to unviersity 76 miles away from me.

Not a lot?

Well yes it is.


I don't have a car. So it's impossible to drop by. She's there from Sunday in the afternoon 'till Friday afternoons.

so yeah.


But that is all besides the point.

Point it, she texted me because she felt sad, so I was cheering her up. But on the way, she was all okay and fine and I was the one feeling down.

And. ;___;

She drew and sent me this


;_; She's the one w/ red hair since that's her preferred hair color. While Blue is mine.
And just in case you're freaked out by what it says there Nii-chan the cute way of saying Older brother in Japanese. I am still female. LOL
This nickname came about after I roleplayed her older brother once. LOL. And it just stuck. LOL Even though she's older than me by a few months. And asdkfjhsldkgfhsd.
I was all 





I kicked Yang Fan off my cellphone background and put that pic instead.


So yeah, that's all.

I love her.

she's so far away.

and mleh. I miss my other best friends, if I can even still call them that anymore. we never talk or see each other.

But that's okay.

I'm slowly making ~other~potential best friends ;~~~;.
Hope we get there though.


Bye bye~


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that was really cute and heart warming... - getting emotional all sudden- :')