Beautiful Birds

Just let me fly.
Let me fly high in the sky,
where the wind blows,
harder than ever, colder than forever.

Let me be, let me fly
with those beautifull birds,
those we, someday, dream of.
Those that we always watch
when we are lying in the ground.

Let my soul lie
with the white clouds,
those that are, high in the sky.
Those that look like birds,
beautifull birds that fly with the wind,
that only wind, that touch our faces
that only wind that hugs our arms,
those wonderfull birds that never left.

Let my beautifull birds love me,
let my beautifull birds hug me,
let my beautifull birds take me,
let them take my soul, high with the clouds,
let me rest in those clouds where I'm always happy
where I'm in peace.

Someday, you will be there with me,
someday we will rest in those clouds,
someday we will be in peace,
we will be in peace
with our beautifull birds.

Gily~ ♥



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