just some random stuff

LOL i just found this on some random blog while i was searching for pictires of amber liu. the author answered a survey about suju and when it came tot he favorites section, i was just freakin' aroused on this one (ok, i'm kidding, i'm not a haha)


(favorite) Dance moves: Don't Don!! Blonde geng hip ing =


i prefer his hip s in super junior m's U though. that was way hotter! anyone agree with me? :)






Anyways, if my subscribers read this, please accept my most sincere apologies! i haven't updated The Other Way Around for a few days already. it's just that i was busy during the weekend, and when i got back, i ran out of ideas on how to go about the next chapter. i already have a plot laid down, but i kept on rewriting it. mianhe!!!


I Promise To Update Tomorrow!


 Hmm.. i also took some fun quiz... and well, OMG! too much eunhyuk! hater? crush? affair??? waah that sounds like a cliche story, but it's just so ...AAARRGHHH!!! *tears hair apart*


Lee Hyukjae, saranghae!!!


here's the link since there's always an error when i try to embed the quiz :)




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i miss suju m too. but i heard they're going to make a new album?
haha i agree with you unnie<br />
i miss suju m~<br />