I was tagged by rawrmeansilymonster!



1: If you where the last person on earth with your bias what would you do?

Oh, God! Sooo many things! (dirty thoughts hahahahaha) Well... Idk.. I guess... We'll just get to know each other, and become very good friends (if you know what I mean ;) ) The rest is history! :P 

2: Do you have any k-pop items? If so what?

Noooooo... SADLY NO! u.u *cries in the corner 

3: How did you get into k-pop?

My friend showed me a video and well... I didn't like it at first but then I loved it! ^.^ 

4: Whats your favorite song?

Oh.. that's a hard one! ^.^ Right now, My favourite song is NU'EST - Not Over You... At first, everytime I listened to this song I cried... but then I got over it (see what I did there *fails miserably) :P And... U-KISS' Stop girl (English version!)  

5: Whats your favorite fanfic that you are reading atm? and why?

Woah.... At the moment... they're 3: 

Cherry Blossom Promise (by my unnie -TeenTopAngel) I really love the little Teen Top members... so cute! How they found out things and what is love! ^^ JUST CUTE!


From an Ugly (FAT) Duckling into a Beautiful (SLIM) Swan (by my unnie ExoticEXO) It's a great story! I really love it! Bacon is sooo cute! 


Lost In A Triangle (by EXOticBunny) Such an amazing story! Really! I love the "fight" between Lay & Kris for Jenny's love! 

6: Minho or Taemin? (My sister wanted me to ask this xDD)

That sister of yours! :P Well... I really love Minho but... Sorry... My little Taeminie won! ^.^ GOd! the way he dances! sdfjsdblfsdf just flawless! ♥ 

7: Have you been to a k-pop concert? If so which?

Never! u.u But I will! 

8: Who is your favorite band? And who is your bias in that band?

God! I don't have a favourite band... I have 9 lol but Suju is the 1st!

SUPER JUNIOR: Dancing machine Lee HyukJae

SHINee: Almighty Key 

U-KISS: Kitten AJ

BEAST: Maknae DongWoon

MBLAQ: Panda Seungho

EXO: Bacon (K) Lay & Chen (M)

B.A.P: Yellow bunny YoungJae

NU'EST: Hot Aaron

TEEN TOP: Powerful voice ChunJi & Mischievious rapper L.Joe

9: Got any k-pop friends at school?

The one who got me into it :P And... I other friend who just likes 2NE1 -. 

10:Why do you like K-pop?

I really like the music. But I love the way they dance! It's just perfect! I admire all k-pop artists for that! I really love dancing.. And well... Their looks are original, and they are hot! :P 


I DON'T THINK I HAVE TO TAG AGAIN :P I'm just too lazy to make new questions! ^-^ 


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Awwe I feel love I'm so ashame I have NOT been updating at all kill me someone!!! >.<
ahahaha loved your answers xD <3
5a8ina #3