I was tagged by my lovely dongsaeng YukiRedPandaa! :)


YukiRedPandaa's questions:

1) How did you get into KPOP?

*Well... This friend of mine showed me an MV and... at first I thought "WTH is this?!?". I wast just impressed by the way they danced... But then, Idk.. I just started to like their music, and I just clicked other random videos... and well... Now I'm a K-Pop freak! :P 

2) What would you do if your ultimate bias was dropped from their group? :O

*Oh God! I'll cry like there's no tomorrow! u.u That would break my heart in thousands of parts! Like seriously... I cry like a baby with the good things... I really can't imagine how much I would cry if that happens! :(

3) If you could have a Korean name, what would you want it to be?

*I would like to have a name with a beautiful meaning... Like 사랑 (SaRang-LOVE) ♥ 

4) Who's your bias band?

*It's quite hard for me to choose a bias group... But SUPER JUNIOR! I really love them! ^^

5) What do you like about your ultimate bias?

*LEE HYUKJAE (EunHyuk): I really love the way he is. He's funny, cute, hard-working, smart. I love the way he dances. I love him! <3 

6) Which was the first KPOP song you listened to?

*The firs K-Pop song I ever heard was HyunA's Change, followed by SHINee's Lucifer. But SHINee got me into K-Pop :)  

7) What's the age difference between you and your ultimate bias? :3

*Such a heartbreaking question u.u He's 26 and I'm 16, sooo... 10 freaking years! *goes to cry in the corner :O

8) Can you count to ten in Korean?

*Yes,I can! Actually. I can count to 100. It's quite easy though! But just cardinal numbers, not ordinal numbers :/ Il, I, SAM, SA, O, YUK, CHIL, PAL, GU/KU, SHIP/SHIB! :D 

9) JinYoung (B1A4) or Joon (MBLAQ) ?

*Unfortunately, I don't know B1A4 (But everytime I see their name I call them BILASA :P Thanks Simon & Martina!), soo... I choose JOON! 

10) JongKey or 2Min?

*I'm JONGKEY shipper! And I will be for the rest of my life! I LOVE THEM! ♥ 



My questions now ^^

1- Why do you like K-Pop?

2- What's your favourite K-Pop song by far? Why?

3- Who's your bias? Why?


5- If you could be part of one group, which group would it be? Why?

6- What do you like to read: Rated fics, Romantic fics, Comedy fics, Drama fics, others?

7- What's the most beautiful Korean name you've ever heard?

8- The best fanfic you read was:

9- If you have the chance to go on a date with your bias, where would you go and what would you do? 

10- Who's your favourite OTP? why?













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Lol I will do laters~ lol xD but hehe my ULTIMATE BIAS is O~B~V~I~O~U~S~!!!!!!!!! lol can u guess?