»memory lane — kwon shinyoung



»memorylane— kwon shinyoung   

"getting a second chance at life" ⟡ old, new, borrowed & blue



preferred name ⋮ Just call me Datte! :) 

aff username ⋮ dattebayo-go

level of activity ⋮ 7-10 (depends on school and such)



character name ⋮ Kwon. Shinyoung

preferred name ⋮ Shinyoung, Shin

ethnicity ⋮ Korean

date of birth ⋮ 12/26

generic information ⋮

height. 168cm.

weight. 51kg.

blood type. O+

appearance ⋮

001. Oh Se Rim. 12345

002. Kim Shin Yeong. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

misc. details ⋮ 

personal style. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

accessories.  1, 2, 3, 4



background ⋮

her story. Shinyoung was born into a wealthy family. She was constantly spoiled, but, she wasn't greedy or selfish. Shinyoung was a very innocent girl; she was considered the angel. Shinyoung was also full of curiosity, but, because of one time when she went exploring and ended up unconsious at a bottom of a hill in an isolated park, she was placed under careful watch. She was home-schooled and barely had any friends besides her family members and their friends that they would bring over. 

During those times being stuck at home, Shinyoung learned the traditional Korean culture like weaving flowers, playing the gayageum and daegeum, and yes, the piano and guitar just for the heck of it. She spent a lot of time with her grandparents, who love retelling the past to her and teaching her the old ways. Shinyoung was then introduced to a boy, by her parents, who wanted to arrange marriage her. Knowing she had no choice, Shinyoung agreed and then, she was with that boy for that long time. Suddenly, she was struck with an illness, at the age of 17, and she has kept this away from her entire family, including her lover. Shinyoung continues her life peacefully.

hometown. Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea

current place of residency. Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

personality ⋮

keywords. Innocent, serene, warm, pitiful (in a way)

the breakdown. 

innocent: Her innocence is like a child's. She's never been "tainted" by the freshness of today's youth, besides her brother's, and therefore, she gets the innocent title. Not only that, but, she is just so angelic to her family. Even though she's quite mature for her age, her pure innocence is just like a child's.

serene: Shinyoung barely gets mad and it's hard for her to hate someone. She's always seen smiling in a relaxed way, sometimes, she'll day-dream. Her expression is like a calm, breezy spring day with the tree blowing its green leaves around. It adds onto that angelic-ness.

warm: It's because she's just too warm-hearted to actually hate someone. Shinyoung is very understanding, for some reason and to some extent, and she's always willing to lend a hand/ear. Shinyoung is someone who is comfortable to be around with.

pitiful: She's been literally chained to the house for her entire life, cut off from the world. She doesn't have any friends, besides her family and servant. Shinyoung doesn't even know the newest trends, although, Jiyong tries to educate her in that. And, she doesn't know what the world is like.

memory of photo ⋮ Looking at the picture, Shinyoung felt a melancholy kind of feeling. Although the picture was beautiful, representing the beauty of marriage and giving her the serene feeling, Shinyoung realizes that she has missed out so much on her life because of the chains that her parents placed on her to the house. While she is staring at the picture, a man captures a photo of her and leaves, without her noticing.

misc. details ⋮


  1. Playing music
  2. Cooking
  3. Reading books
  4. Gardening
  5. Going out into the garden
  6. Being with her grandparents and family
  7. Snow, rain, sunshine
  8. Snow sports


  1. People upset
  2. Watching people she care about stressed/upset
  3. Fights
  4. Having other people see her cry
  5. Thunderstorms


  1. Shinyoung always wakes up at midnight for no reason. 


  1. She's afraid that someone will know her secret of being ill.
  2. Shinyoung's afraid of horror movies, like, very afraid.


  1. Shinyoung found out about her sickness when she was at home, coughing up blood. 
  2. Shinyoung's illness: it's  avery rare disease that will shut down her entire body, life basically. The symptoms of are coughing up blood, insomnia, lack of hunger, fevers, and dizziness. The death date is very predictable, but, depending on the current well-being of the patient, the death date is extended just a bit. Currently, it's uncurable.
  3. Shinyoung loves strawberries, apples, grapes, and kiwis andbasically "overdoeses" on it.
  4. She's never used the computer and has only experienced an iPad because of her older brother.
  5. Her older brother takes her skiing, snow-tubing/boarding every winter.




family ⋮ 

father. Kwon Myungjin / 54 / CEO of Kwon Inc. (lawyers) / Strong-minded. Calm. Fatherly. Oblivious. / The two are quiet around one another, but, they are probably the most alike. He spoils his daughter and she makes him proud by doing whatever she's asked to do.

mother. Kwon (Yoon) Inah/ 51 / Flowershop Owner (as a hobby) / Naggy. Loving. Worrywart. Active  / She's very loving. She's one of those cool moms that everyone would love to have. But, her mother is always out of the house, doing her hobby and such. 

siblings. Kwon Jiyong / 27 / Fashion Designer/CEO of G-Market / Sassy. Foxy. Unique. Carefree. / He's Shinyoung's only connection to the outside world, basically. He is her fashion police and teases her alot. Jiyong is very caring towards his sister and pities her alot.

friends ⋮ 

best friend. Kwon Minsuk / Retired / Dorky. Loud. Fun. Wise. / He is Shinyoung's grandfather and he teaches her about the past and other traditional things. He teases her and they both are like best friends instead of grandpa-granddaughter thing. He's always laughing and cracking up jokes. He's a prankster and pranks Jiyong a lot.

Kwon (Im) Bomi / Retired/works at the flowershop for fun / Loud. Bright. Independant. Soft-hearted. / Shinyoung and her are very close, much closer than Shinyoung is with her mother. Bomi taught Shinyoung a lot of the traditional ways of the old, old days and helps Minsuk prank Jiyong. She loves flowers.

close friends. n/a

misc. characters ⋮ 

Dong Youngbae / Servant / Composed. Quiet. Smart. Caring. / He's Jiyong's best friend, who needed a job. So, he was hired to be Shinyoung's servant. He is like another brother to her and fetches her whatever she needs. 



love interest ⋮ 

* note the order of love interest does not mean preference of interest. each plot has two love interests.

001. Xi Luhan / Works at Kwon Inc. / 4D. Big-heart. Possessive. Infatuated.  / Luhan has been Shinyoung's ever since they were young teens. But, because of work, Luhan is too busy and stressed-out to be with her. He's in love with her, still, and has grown quite possessive of her.

002. Oh Se Hun / Wedding Planner / Bubbly. Cute. Manly. Hyper. / Sehun saw Shinyoung at the store and took a picture of her because of her expression. Sehun fell in love with her, though, he didn't he'd get to see her again, until, he was hired as her wedding planner. 

desired ending ⋮ For the ending, actually, it doesn't matter. Happy or sad, it's up to you. Luhan please :)!



do you allow the author to make any changes to your application ⋮if you must, go ahead author-nim.

comments / questions / concerns / etc. ⋮nope.  :)

password ⋮memory lane



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