Funny thing about bathrooms here...

Okay for anyone who knows about bathrooms in Asia knows what I'm talking about...SQUAT TOLIETS.

Last year I felt so stupid when my mom had to reteach me had to use one. And then told me I potty-trained that way. >.< Yeah I remembered after that.

I went to a summer camp with last years where Chinese descendants would tour around China, and everyone who talked about them said they were also potty-trained that way. Though they didn't like them that much, since it usually means that the bathroom isn't that clean.

To be honest though, even if the room isn't that clean, it's kinda more hygenic to use a squat toliet, since your body isn't touching anything. And there's not that much splashing. Well, in my experience so far. (Yeah I bet you were thinking about that.)

Okay, now that intro's over, today I went to Pizza Hut with my "Uncle" and second cousin. (I put Uncle in quotes cause actually he's my dad's cousin's husband, but I'm supposed to call him Uncle. Which I don't mind. ^_^) So Pizza Hut had this thing where you could have as many as refills until 5 pm. And today was really hot, so we drank a lot. Obviously that leads to the bathroom.

When I got to the ladies' room, there was a line. So I was like, "Oh, of course there's a line, there's always a line. >.<" But as the line inched further, I realized there was an open door on the left side of the room. And then I saw the doors. On the left side of the room, the doors had the "sitting" sign. On the right, the "squatting" sign. Try to picture if you will.

Anyhow, I thought it was funny. Like I bet if a bunch of people who grew up in Europe, America, or anywhere that uses sitting toilets came in, they would have thought it funny too. It was like the line was saying, "Sitting toliets? INCONCIEVABLE. I shall just use squatting ones."

Well at first I was like, "maybe they don't use them cause they don't have toliet paper." Then I realized they all don't have toliet paper. >.< Luckily, it turns out the "paper towels" were toliet paper. And yeah, the toliets were all kinda dirty, but you just have to it up and tell yourself you will ABSOLUTELY take a shower when you get home and not wear those clothes again until they're washed.

Now I just wonder, how the heck do you use a squatting toliet when you're-never mind. I guess everyone figures out. Like I learned how to take a shower on my own...yeah. Let's just say my mom isn't very helpful with feminine stuff. >.<

Anyhow I hoped you guys all had a good laugh at the line saying inconcievable to the sitting toliets. Especially if you read that in the voice of that guy from the Princess Bride.


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OMG. I know. It's like they can't afford the other kind. I was so disgusted... In clean cities, you are lucky if you find a "regular" toilet.
I don't like squat toilets xD When I first saw them, I was like 'Wait, what?'