
    1 Repost the rules.
    2 Answer the 11 given questions then create 11 new ones.
    3 Tag 11 people
    4 Tell those people that you tagged them
I am way too lazy to tag 11 people and think of 11 new questions. Not too lazy to answer the questions though... ㅋㅋㅋ.... >.<
SilentHopeCloe's questions!

1) How much time do you usually spend on AFF?
Too damn much...

2) What's your favorite animal?

3) What animal would represent you?
I honestly wouldn't know... >.<

4) What animal would represent your ultimate bias?

5) Are you asian? xD
Not by a long shot. xD

6) If you had to choose between IU and Suzy who would it be?

7) Have you ever done a science project before? If so, what was it about (i need ideas TT_TT)
No~ We don't have that specific subject at school where I live~ Thank god...

8) Do you have a boyfriend?
Not atm~

9) What would you do if you were offered to join a new kpop group that would be debuting in 3 months?
Not like it... I'm not much of an outspoken person.. I'd be extremely awkward if I were to be in a kpop group.

10) What do you think of MBLAQ?
*cough*Iworshipthem*cough* ㅋㅋㅋ


11) What would you do if your pet (let's just pretend you have a dog) turned into your bias, and he/she started living in your house?
I'd question my sanity... and then probably freak out.



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