Silence of Love



"Silence of Love"

A girl who wishes for a normal father. A father who's not mute/deaf.

At school, she gets bullied and teased. She gets into fights, skips school, and comes home late. She yells at her father, but of course, he can't understand her.

On her birthday, her father sits in the kitchen with her birthday cake, waiting for her to come out. Suddenly, he hears a loud bang. He goes to her room and found her unconscious and bloody (she cut her wrist). The dad rushes to the nearest hospital. He tries to tell him that he can take everything away just make his daughter live. But they can't understand him.

The dad gave blood to her and she survived. The dad died.


Here's the link to the video!! --->

Don't worry, there's English subs ^^ And the video will be better than my horrible summary XD

Waah~ That made me cry TT_TT  That was so intense and it's only a commercial?! Aissh... that sure is a good commercial for Life Insurance. I mean seriosuly... after the video, the words "Thai Life Insurance" suddenly pops up. I mean WTF?!?! **sigh** My sister found the video on tumblr but there were no English subs so she made me look for them  -_- Anyway, comment if it made you cry!! :D


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asianunicornbaby #1
Oh My bdujbagbsubdfbsbghbbfhsb :'((<br />
Made Me Cry ...
Oh my gjknvriuviuhfvnivljd! That made me cry!<br />
I speak Thai so I didn't really need the subs but being able to read it made it even sadder.