first blog post

still, in the midst of writing 失戀:OUT OF LOVE.

sorry guys T^T


the urge for writing a baekyeol is irrsistable.

So many images flashes across my mind when i was writing 失戀:OUT OF LOVE. 

That's why i ended up writing I CAN'T WAIT II first.


Omg, sorry T^T.

I CAN'T WAIT was supposed to be after the 失戀:OUT OF LOVE and one more sequel.


SORRY T^T *kneel down and bow*


well, but i already had ideas for the 4th sequel. 

It wlll SULAY centered, as mentioned before.

Title? Make a guess.

hehe ;D


btw, do you guys lke the graphics i made for each fic?

i gotta admit that the graphics for I CAN'T WAIT and 失戀:OUT OF LOVE didn't really turned out to be what i thought.

gotta give a pass for 暗戀:THE SECRET CRUSH, cos it's the first graphic i've made for my fics...








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