my top 5 group :D

Taken From SONE_ELF_BLACKJACK who took it from  " doojoonloveb2st "

Pick 5 of your fav kpop groups and answer the following questions about them :


2- Bigbang

3- BToB

4- Phantom

5- Teen Top

Who is your fav person in #2


who is your least fav in number #1


what is your fav song in number #4

Burning & A hole in your face

what is your fav era from number #5

To You & be ma girl

what is your fav OTP in #3 

None. lol 

what is your least fav otp in #2

all? lol i don't like pairing guys together

how long have you been a fan of #1

Ever since Rain mentioned he's going to debut a boy

bias in #5


fav mv in #4


how did you find out about number #3

Youtube, twitter...

fav thing about group #4

They're awesome and derp-like esp. Hanhae Lol

most played song on your cellphone/ipod from group #2


rank least to fav from #1,#2,#5

teentop, mblaq, big bang

Which have you seen more vairty shows from #1,#3


if you could be anyone from #4 who would you be 

Hanhae? lol

what would you change about #3 


random quote or saying from someone in group #1

4x7? "27!"

Would a collab with #2 and #5 work

Probably? They have different style so idk...

if you had to choose between seeing #2 or #4 who would you choose

of course #2



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