Of My Idle Thoughts and Short-Lived Imaginings...

I sometimes ask myself where I usually get my ideas from. This one in particular came from a dream. Strange, right? Nah, I don't think so.

Dreams happen to be my shining light at the end of the tunnel. They give me my inspiration. But I also gain my inspiration through music, and perhaps watching raindrops pelt on the glass windows as I sit comfortably on the inside window sill. Now, I understand that writing is a deeply personal venture and it can take you just about anywhere. But I've come to know that nobody, not even the greatest of writers, and draft and compose a piece of literature with no emotion. (Now you're all asking why I'm going into this topic.) But honestly, over my years of learning how to become a better writer, I've learned that a writer needs to feel his or her stories. If that isn't the case, the piece will be devoid of all emotion, lacking the true nature as to what the author truly had in mind. And so, I usually just close my eyes and literally let my emotions take over my entire being. I can sense the entire mood of the plot by one emotion and a character's personality by another.

Everyone also knows this, but listening to music aids you in more. For example: Let's say I was writing a JaeMin story that maybe revolved around a darker theme accompanied by angst. I'll usually play Nightwish, Evanescence, Dragonforce, Avenged Sevenfold, and any other bands that revolve around the 'gothic' stereotyped music. And believe me, sometimes I even get scared with how well a certain song would fit in with a scene in the actual story. I've recently noticed that I tend to write more at night. There's nothing wrong with that obviously. But for me it's become a bit of a hassle because of school. During the summer, this was never a problem. But since I tend to write more at night, I become tired during the day. If I so much as tried to write something in broad daylight, my mind would be blanked out.

Actually, I've already gotten two new fics in mind. (Like I don't have enough already to work on...)

I'll tell you this much: One is  a YunJae fic while the other is JaeMin. Your job is to guess which coupls goes to which story.

What are they about? I'll say this:

Plot #1: Kim Jaejoong isn't necessarily human. He's a demon...a very powerful and skillled one at that. Being the last of his kind, he now poses a greater threat than before as he seeks out vengeance for his loved ones, and he will not stop until he completes his goal. But one man stands in his way. A very skilled demon hunter had been called by the agency to extrminate the creature. Unfortunately, the man doesn't know if he's able to do it. He senses something different about this demon. He sees no threat. Instead he feels pity and compassion. Though forced to do his job, the hunter wants nothing more than to get through to Jaejoong. Of course that is much easier said than done. Title-Rapture "Inspiration is an excuse for doing something you already want to do."

Plot #2: Deep within the forest lies an old academy known as Maison de Sang. It is a legendary place that houses vampyres, fledglings, and mere humans. But within chaos lies opportunity. For as long as vampyres have existed, there has been much conflict over the transformation. One student in particular sees it as all the same. Jaejoong, an average young man, saw all bloodsuckers as the same. They couldn't be trusted. All they ever wanted was a weak human's blood. Jaejoong was far from that, and he has learned of how to protect himself. But there's one that won't give up on him. So when this fledgling wants him and can't have him, one can only imagine the drastic measures he'll take to obtain what he wants. Title-Fallen "What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours?"

Such simple plots...such broad ideas as to what's going to happen. I must thank at least three people for giving me such a great inspiration to continue my writing.

Jessa- My sweet JaeMin shipping chingu, where do I begin with you? After having read your stories from the very beginning up until 'The Calm' I can see your great improvements. And although I'm younger than you, I'm still proud because that stretch of time gave me more reason to work harder myself. And you are quite the writer, believe me. If you pursue writing as a career, I can guarantee that you will be very successful

Tia- A wonderful Cassie at heart, you are probably one of the most faithful people I've met. Your writing alone moves me in ways I cannot describe with words. The graphics you make somehow speak to me in ways that may not happen to anyone else. You're a very talented and passionaate person, kind and caring toward all your friends. I know we barely ever talk, but, Tia, you have truly inspired me to pursue my passion for writing. Though I know I won't reach my full potential in writing any time soon, you have given me a reason to keep pulling forward. And I thank you most sincerely for such things.

Sofia- Ah, my beautiful little dongsaeng, words cannot describe how you've inspired your unnie! I know English isn't your native language, but your writing still shows me that you're working hard to write your stories. Ah, we've had our roleplay experiences, and I think you admitted that you may have gotten better because of me? No. That was you. That was all you. Unnie didn't do anything to improve your writing. I know for a fact that my grammar is not perfect and I cannot write as easily as some others. But the point is to write how you feel in your own style. (And believe me, I know your style is angst and drama. I can clearly remember JaeMin's previous argument in the roleplay clearly.) I've grown fond of you over the few short months we've known each other, and you are a very diligent and hardworking young girl. Also another Cassie chingu of mine. Unnie loves you, Sofia!


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SiaLoveJoongie #1
I love the plots of both storied unnie but I can't wait for the Yunjae one!!!You know how much I love this pairing and I'm so happy you're going to write a fic with them! xD

Lol actually I'm not so into English and I'm not trying to do anything you're the one who makes me get better!From the start I was roleplaying with you I couldn't understand the most of your replies! (special thanks to google translate ;p)
Unnie you're so good at writting I wish I could become like you~!
And I love you too very much~~!! I never got boring roleplaying with you because your writting is so ____ING GOOD! you should become an author you know how to express what your character feels so nice^^
I'm so happy that you talked to me in the rp and we got closer! I wish we could meet in reality too Dx
Ah I the vampire plot idea it sounds interesting! I think I'm slowly liking the Jaemin pairing so maybe I'll check out your other fanfic ^-^