I'm an INFJ, what're you!! Also possibly leaving the site...

Is anyone interested in Personality types? I took a test way back when I was in high school (junior year I think) I can't remember what I got back then cause school wasn't really something I cared about back then, but more recently (a little less then a year ago) I took another Personalty type test and got INFJ. It describes me to a T really, especially when they talk about how I communicating skills- my thoughts are introverted so while I'm talking to people I tend to reach back into my mental world and tend to get quieter and quieter the further I reach... it tends to leave people believing that I don't want to speak to them but the truth is I just have a difficult time telling people what I'm trying to say... I actually spend more time thinking of ways to explain my thoughts then I do actually explaining to actual people.


before I took this test I had always felt like an alien- why was it so difficult for me to express my thoughts to people? why was I the only one able to come to the conclusions I get to? why was I the only one who seemed to act like this. It turns out the INFJ population in the US is about 2%, and if you do the math that's a very small number of people (really you don't actually even have to do the math, it's fairly obvious...) 


It makes me feel less of an alien and more like an endangered species...


have you discovered your personality type? are you an INFJ like me^^ probably not, but then again INFJs are detailed and creative oriented people so finding INFJs online, especially on a site dedicated to writing, is far more likely then if I were to try to find someone off of the street.



also updates soon, though I've been thinking that once I finish Ferly I might stop going here... not that I dislike AFF or any of the people I've met on here, I just  think it's time to move on to other things in life. Writing was never going to be my career, it's always been a stress reliever, but going on this site creates a whole new bundle of stress- I love to write but when I post stories on here it usually turns out that I'm trying to get the most comments and the most subscribers and while my stories aren't bad, I know very well that they will never get the most... and me being the egotist I have trouble dealing with that, I become obsessed almost with the idea of getting more views and comments that I loose site on the fact that writing is supposed to be a stress reliever and not something that adds more stress... 


I'll miss the friends I've made on here though, you've all touched my life in different ways and I thank you for putting up with my erratic behavior and lack of updates at a reasonable pace... I just need to think of my future, I need to consider what I should be doing to change my life and adding more unneeded stress isn't something I should keep...


love you though, and Ferly has a whole twenty something chapters left so it's not like I'm leave now... I mean that's a whole half a year or so to decide not to... though probably not...


thanks for reading, update soon, I promise (which you shoulda learned by now means nothing... I swear I try...)


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Chocolatemushrooms #1
OH, I'M AN INFJ TOO! I just took the test today and I was also really surprised with its accuracy. It described me spot on but I highly doubt I'm creative and good at art :)) Honestly, I am quite proud that im an INFJ because our personality is the rarest in the world, only an estimated 1% of the entire population has it ^^

It's a pity you have to leave, but writing isn't my main focus either. Good luck!
partiallystars #2
Well, actually its obviously up to you, but being a part of this site, its only natural for me to force people to stay xD
All the best to you though!
And I do await an update on Ferly.
I havent commented in a while cause im stuck with college, but I shall once I get time :D
gotta go now T_T