LOL just don't mind this, it's my hw...


Democritus He proposed that that all matter, "stuff" are made of tiny, invisible particles which he called atomos which is atoms in english
Lavoisier He concluded that chemical reactions neither create nor create matter, but matter is conserved
Proust He found out that a given compound always contains the same elements in the same proportions by mass
Dalton and english schoolteacher, he concluded that properties of matter could be explained in terms of atoms
Faraday The english chemist that suggested that structures of atoms related to electricity
Franklin A famous scientist that studied static electricity and he performed the famous and dangerous kite flying experiment, he concluded that an object had two different charges, positive and negative
Thomson An english chemist that conducted series of systematic studies on cathode rays
Millikan This American physicist succeeded in measuring the charge in electrons
Becquerel A french physicist made an accidental discovery of placing uranium on an unexposed photographic film, learning about radioactivity
Marie She discovered with her husband two radioactive elements called radium and polonium
Pierre Him and his wife discovered two radioactive elements called radium and poloium
Rutherford He and his colleagues created a famous experiment, called the alpha-scattering experiment
Moseley He was a student who found that atoms of each elements contain a unique positive charge in their nucleus
atomos The greek root for atoms
LawofConservationofMatter The law that states matter cannot be created nor destroyed during chemical reactions
LawofConstantComposition The law that states that a given compound always contains the sameelements in the same proportions of mass
AtomicTheoryofMatter The theory that matter could be explained in terms of atoms
cathoderaytube The tube from the cathode ray also known as CRT
cathoderay  An evacuated glass tube that streams raditaion through itself it holds the CRT
electron The negatively particle which has a substructure
proton A positively charged molecule within the nucleus of an atom 
neutron the neutral particle within the nucleus of an atom
nucleus the concentrated core of an atom which contains protons and neutrons
radioactivity spontaneous emission of radiation from and atom
oildropletexperiment A experiment designed by Millikan he studied how the oild droplets would fall between the electrically charged plates
alpharadiation radiation which is composed of 2+ charges
betaradiation radiation that comes from high speed electrons 
gammaradiation This type of radiation is similar to those of X-rays but is not composed of particles
alphascatteringexperiment An experiment done by Rutherford, this was created to study how alpha particles interact with thin metal foils
thingoldfoil gold foil that is extremely thin
plumpuddingmodel This model explained that negative charges are distributed evenly throughout a atom's positively charged interior
atomicmassunit It is abbreviated as ASU, it's to explain the mass of protons and neutrons and essentially electron
atomicnumber The number of protons in an atom is called this
ion  When an atom loses or gains one or more electrons, it acquires a net electrical charge and is called this.
positiveion An ion with fewer electrons the protons is called this
negativeion An ion with more electrons then the protons is called this
isotope Atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are called this
deuterium This is a so called "heavy" isotope because it has more neutrons then normal, so it's mass is larger
tritium A very rare hydrogen isotope that has a nucleus of only 1 proton and 2 neutrons
massnumber The number is the isotope's sun of protons and neutrons
strongnuclearforce The attraction between the protons in a nucleus
radioactivedecay It's when an atom emits alpha, beta , or gamma rays it is undergoing this.


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Annie1216 #1
Chem. I'm on the same chapter too :D
Lololol for a moment, I thought it was physics then I looked at the tags.. chemistry for the winnnn