My Review Criteria

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Story Title:
Story Link:
Author Of Story:
3milyJoy AFF 

Title: -/5
The title is important.
It has to be eye catching, and has to tie into the story.
If it's random and has nothing to do with the story, there's no way to get all 5 points.

Poster: -/4
A poster is a very nice feature to have.
It's not as important as the other features of a story, but it is good to have. 
& it won't kill you in the end if you don't have one.
But if you do have one, and an important character is missing, you won't get the full points.

Forward: -/5
A forward can be a big help to see if you want to continue reading the story.
But sometimes you don't even know where the story is going to go.
If the forward is short and sweet and to the point, and gives you a little something to get you started you can easily get the full points.

Plot: -/10
The plot is very important in a story.
Even if the story is a little traditional, usually; a conflict thickens the plot and makes the story a lot better.
It doesn't have to be a major conflict, but a little something will usually work.
Flow: -/20
Flow has a lot to do with how much a person will enjoy a story.
If the flow is too unbelievable, it won't be as good of a story.
The flow has to be realistic to get the full points.
This is like the other half of the flow.
The writing style can effect the flow of the story.
So it's a big part of it.
Characters: -/6
The characters as well have to be realistic.
People aren't perfect.
Characters are not either.
Connection With *Fans: -/5
Do you leave little Authors notes at the beginning/end of the chapters?
Do you encourage them to leave comments or ideas?
Do you ask them little questions as to what they think will happen?
Grammar/Spelling: -/25
Little spelling mistakes really irk me.
I know I have done it myself, but when I read stories; I don't want to see cn't or teh.
Those are mistakes that can easily be fixed if you read your stories before you publish them.
Originality: -/10
Is your story really original?
Or is it a cliche concept.
Originality is important.
Personal Enjoyment: -/10
This is just if I enjoyed your story.
Like if I liked your ideas/characters/detail personally.
It really to read something you don't like.
If I really do like it, I will subscribe and continue to read it.
Total Points: -/100
Additional Comments::
This is just where I'll write anything left that I would like you to know.


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