Elite Affairs app.


The Supreme Justice's Son: The Boy Next Door

Kwon Jaeyong



Username : dattbayo-go

Profile Link  : here

What Should I Call You : Datte is fine! :D

How Often You Are On : Because of school, I can only use my laptop on the weekends. But, I'm usually on everyday with mobile.


Name : Kwon Jaeyong

*Nickname(s) : KwonJae, Jae Man, Mr. Perfection

Birthday : 12/25/1992

Gender : Male

Age: 20 & 21

Place of Birth: Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: London, England

Ethinicity: Korean

Language(s): 1. Korean, 2. English, 3. Chinese, 4. Japanese

Height and Weight: 185 cm. & 60kg.

*Blood Type : O+


Personality: Jaeyong is the son of Supreme Justice and the youngest in his family. Jaeyong is well-mannered, kind, and very understanding. He's very tolerant as well, which is why he barely gets angry. Jaeyong is very studious as well and super athletic. Jaeyong has never yelled or shouted at anyone, although, he's cheered for teams like most people. Jaeyong is loved by many due to his warm and caring personality.

Jaeyong is heavily depended on by many of his loved ones - parents, sibilings, friends - and because of his big heart, he can't say so. He's always putting others' needs in front of his and sometimes neglect himself. Jaeyong is always there for someone, especially his little brother, becoming the father figure in his life. Jaeyong works very hard, despite being tired and near the edge of collapsing, he has a fiery determination to succeed.

In many girls' eyes, Jaeyong is the perfect man. He isn't rude and treats them like a princess, whether they're total angels or devils to him. Jaeyong is a great listener and gives good feedback. And when it comes to a break up, Jaeyong always says that he was the "dumped" one and lets the girl down easily. A random fact: Jaeyong is super good with kids, which is why a lot of parents like him as well.

But, deep down, Jaeyong is a tired guy. With the pressure from his parents about marriage and taking over his father's place one day, the lack of support, and the huge favors from everyone, Jaeyong feels responsible for everything. Everytime he makes one little mistake, it's entirely his fault somehow. Even if it didn't involve him, he's responsible for it. Although Jaeyong doesn't say anything, he is very hurt. To him, it seems like the whole world is against him and he's all alone.


  1. Cooking
  2. Cleaning - it relieves stress, for some reason.
  3. Soccer, basketball, running
  4. Playing piano
  5. Reading large books
  6. Travelling
  7. Hiking
  8. Tae Kwon Do/Boxing
  9. Tea



  1. Too much sweets
  2. Seeing others upset
  3. Bullying
  4. Seeing his loved ones hurt
  5. Messing up


  1. Working
  2. Taking care of his little brother
  3. Excersizing
  4. Reading
  5. Doing housework
  6. Volunteering at orphanages, hospitals, etc.


  1. Jaeyong drinks Americanos every morning
  2. He always wakes up at 4:30 in the morning
  3. Jaeyong tends to say "yes" to everything
  4. Jaeyong is always half-awake when asleep, unless he's super tired.


  1. Jaeyong has dated over 20 girls thanks to his parents
  2. He eats more vegetables than meat.
  3. Jaeyong likes Burno Mars and Jason Mraz - his favorite song(s): "It Will Rain", "Talking To The Moon", "Lucky", and "I Won't Give Up"
  4. Jaeyong dreams of having a daughter and son (twins if possible) and a supportive, loving wife.

Background : His childhood was quite normal. Life was simple, although, his parents were barely in it. Jaeyong got to see his brothers and sister a lot and his butlers, servants, etc. It was when he began to grow up, everything changed. Jaeyong was only 15 when his older brother began to take drugs, his sister got pregnant when she was only 17, and his little brother was struck with leukimia. Being the only hope for the family, Jaeyong was chosen as the next supreme justice. He vigourously studied to keep his parents happy, busied himself with the responsibility of taking care of his little brother, and so much more. It's still a surprise for him to be alive here.

Secret(s) :

1. Jaeyong has kept his little brother's sickness a secret due to: his little brother's request of secrecy and that Jaeyong feared that his parents wouldn't care.

2. Jaeyong fell in love once, but, because of being the heir to his father's job, Jaeyong let her go with a broken heart.

3. He secretly hates his parents, because, he thinks they aren't involved with their children's life, especially his little brother's.


Ulzzang  : Park Hyung Seok






Back-up Ulzzang : Park Ji Ho

Pictures :





Style :

   Casual : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

   Clubing : 1 2 3 4 5

   Formal : 1 2 3 4 5 

   At Home : 1 2 3 4 5

   Swimwear : 1 2 3 4 


Family Members :

Kwon Hunhyuk | 52 | Father | He's too busy to take the time to care for his kids. But, he truly loves them and just gives them money instead of his attention, due to guilt  | Supreme Justice | Alive| 

Kwon Sulmi | 50 | Mother | She's like his father and busies herself with polictical issues and such. She's very democratic as well.  | Housewife | Alive| 

Kwon Jiyong | 25 | Brother | He's a carefree spirit who's very self-cofident. He's super fashionable and is the fashion police of his family.| Fashion Designer/CEO of G-Market | Alive| 1 2 3

Kwon Yuri| 23 | Sister | She's a mother now so she's quite naggy and a huge worrywart. She's very caring and takes the role of the mother in both of her families. | Owner of Kwon Daycare Center | Alive| 1 2 3 

 Kwon Juyong| 15 | Brother | He's the angel and the only source of comfort for Jaeyong. He's innocent and pure-hearted.| Home-schooled student | Alive| 1 2 3 


Best Friends :

Kim Myungsoo | 21 | He's always been there for Jaeyong and is like another brother. | College Student | ! 

Friends :

Jessica | 25 | She's is like another sister to Jaeyong. A bit fierce and sassy. | Photographer | !! 

Lovers : It doesn't matter...whoever is available(??)

How You Met : Jaeyong was at G-Market when he basically bumped into this girl. Helping her out and even offering to pay for her, Jaeyong quickly left to give his little brother a present while the girl was left awe-struck.

Relationship Status : Strangers into Lovers :D


Why Should I Choose You : Well, I applied for fun :) And it doesn't matter if you choose me or not :) 

*Request(s) : Nope.

*Comment(s)/Question(s) : um...sorry if I took up too much space or anything

edit: I'm SOOOOOO sorry about the inconvience! You can totally reject this app. if you want! I'm having Internet issues and such...please don't hate me author-nim!

Password : youmightgetscarredforlife lol XD


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