recess with him?

so, it was recess time and we had some sort of celebration at our school. me and my best friend went for recess and i noticed that me and him were close, face to face. and so, i told my bestie how i was gonna be worried. since he already knows i like him. the recess time, i kept whispering at my bff. IT WAS SO AWKWARD.



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potatoes #1
o u o
there's this guy i like.
and i just like..
i don't know how to explain it.
we have a weird kinda friend relationship.
otl.. if you need someone to talk to, talk to me.
-random stranger- o.O Just talk to him?
I mean, from personal experience, if you're just awkward with him, there's going to be a little chance of you guys being friends, let alone liking each other.
Honestly, try to find out what he likes/is interested in so you guys can at least TALK. For all you're telling me, he knows you like him but he doesn't like you back. You have to give him the chance of knowing you so he can decide whether he likes you or not.
I know, it's hard when he knows you like him, but it will work out in the end. There's a guy who knows I liked him last year, and we're pretty good friends now. And if he doesn't like you, his loss.