The song that's stuck.... I can't get over it!!! xD

OPPAN Gangnam Style~~ *dances like an idiot* xD TROLOLOLOL. I can't get it out of my head!


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omg SAME! my parents tried to learn the dance...... and failed miserably :/ haha
rocksolidpanda #2
You're not alone! XD
That is like me. I would be having a nice day until someone mentions Gangnam Style and it is stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Keke it got to the point where me and mate horse danced while crossing the road hahaa.
I know the feels. OTL Lmao
Ashbleeebaby #5
I honestly don't like this song but EVERYONE does and it's annoying because at my school people used to be like "eww, you listen to Korean music, you're weird." Now they are all like "oppa gangnam style! I love this!" And I'm like, "you know its Korean right?" And they are all, "yeah!" And I'm like, "well just so we are all clear..I was listening to Kpop first AND if any of you guys try to steal my guys....I swear to God..." Lol. Sorry! Just thought I would.share. :P