Suicidal Awareness Day?


Today, September 10th 2012, is Suicidal Awareness Day.

Considering I’ve lost a few friends that were extremely close to me and meant so much to me, I decided to participate. It broke my heart to know they’d do such a thing but people just sometimes can’t take it anymore… I too have suicidal thoughts and problems… Depression the main cause. But, I’d never go that far with it. It just hurts too much. May their lives rest in peace and all the others whom passed away due to suicide. 

by participating you either write "love" on your wrist or wear yellow with "LOVE" written on it to show support.

You didn’t deserve it. No one does. You’re all beautiful; perfect.


I know today isn't exactly September 10th, but I will particitpate. Everyday. Have you ever thought that someone out there in the world everday is thinking about killing themselves? Or at least considering about killing themselves? That's pretty much at least half the population. And most of them are succesful in homoside or suicide. It's not healthy. If you or a depressed another is having a hard time, stop and comfort them. I have thought about suicide before and I didn't have any one to comfort me. I just kept my thoughts to myself. I was so sick of living, but I remembered I had a duty. I had a choice. Be the one who can change a mind. Please. There are too many people I don't even know well enough that have died because of suicide. I really don't want to think about it, or even come across it. Stop depression. It's the worst thing. Being mentally ill is even worse than being physically ill and it brings me down. Right at this moment, as I am typing this, my left wrist is stained with ink to say LOVE. 


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