so..that's why..

Just read on tumblr :

"(insert the fandom for the sugen pairing I hate the most here) don't ship, we believe"





so that's why many of you are delusional. 

because you "believe" that EVERY SINGLE ACTION THEY DID/DO was meant for each other.

so when he stare somewhere in which she's there too, they believe that he's looking at her (when his eyes aren't actually looking at her)

or when he updates his status, every single one of it must be for her because they believe that it is indeed for her!!!!1111!!

and every stories from the unreliable sources who claimed that they're indeed dating are true because ,once again, THEY BELIEVE SO.


Thank you for making me more and more and more sure that your delusional state of mind is just way out of the line.




and make me doubt your pairing even more. /shrugs


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It's funny how one certain pairing instantly pop in my head after reading this XD