Top 10 Favorite Kpop Groups

Hello everyone!  Since I couldn't get a chapter up tonight I figured I'd post a blog post for kicks.  This is one I've meant to put up for a while just to show some of my Kpop interests.  I hope it brings some sense of entertainment :D.  This time, I'm counting down my favorite Kpop Groups.  

Note: I tend to listen to guy groups more than girl groups for a simple issue of hating high pitches.  It seems a bit strange I suppose but that is 100% the reason why.

Anyways, I made this list and I actually partially based it off of 'most played' in my library.  These results are partially scientific!


Let's start at Number 10:


I love this group for the simple fact they are an actual band.  I got introduced to them through the song "I'm a Loner" and ever since I've found them to be spectacular.  I listen to them when I just want some chill music in the background.  To anyone not so familiar with them, I describe them mostly as a Korean Maroon 5 except better.  They have that funk sound with a touch of rap and of course fantastic singing (also, I have a bit of a crush on the bass player).  Some of my faves by them are "Love Girl," "Intuition," and of course "I'm a Loner."  

9.  B2ST

B2ST and I have an interesting relationship.  They are actually one of my few biasless groups (in that I don't actually have a group bias).  I tend to forget about them on occasion as well although I'm not sure why.  So how are they on this list?  I actually love their music.  While they don't remain in my subconcious like a number of other groups, everytime "Bad Girl," "Shock," "Fiction," or "Beautiful Night" come on I can't ever skip it.  In all seriousness, "Bad Girl" was the first Kpop dance I ever learned!  I actually don't think I've ever heard a song I disliked by them.  They are definitely worth the listen.

8. U-Kiss

Way back when, U-Kiss and I didn't get along very well.  I hadn't paid attention to them after I heard "Man Man Ha Ni" because the image slightly scared me away.  I tried to give them another chance with "Bingeul Bingeul"  but it wasn't getting any better.  When "Shut Up" came around I was just convinced that 'oppa hates me' and yet again, wasn't exactly a fan.  It wasn't until "Neverland" that I truly gave them a fair chance; and that song, knocked it out of the park.  I mean, I loved it on the very first listen!  Everything since then has just been a complete masterpiece to me.  "Dora Dora"  is played on a pretty regular basis now.  I remember when "Forbidden Love" came out and I thought it was just about the greatest use of dubstep (and I usually hate dubstep).   They have been slowly but surely moving up on my favorites list and by this time next year, they could easily roll into the top 5.  

7.  SHINee

I get into insane SHINee spams for no reason at all.  They are similar to B2ST in that I forget how amazing they are and will overlook them for a while but once they pop up on my music library I put everything of theirs on repeat.  Not going to lie, I flipped tables with "Sherlock" came out (I'M SO CURIOUS YEAHH!!!).  That song is like, a defying point in my life!  I now run around singing 'Soy Un Dorito' and looking crazy to anyone that doesn't get the reference.

I hate admitting this one, but I first got into them because of Ring Ding Dong...yeah.. that one.  I figured it was the perfect ringtone song of the century.  In all honesty I find it painfully difficult to choose my favorites.  Those boys can sing!  "Lucifer", "Juliette", "Amigo", "Hello", "Noona You're so Pretty" (my favorite title btw)'d be more difficult to find a song I don't like!  Also a final note, in my opinion, they are the best singers of all the Kpop groups, possibly even the best dancers.  

6.  Big Bang

I 100% credit Big Bang for getting me into Kpop.  *Flashback Time*  A few years ago, I was just a nerdy otaku with a Japan obsession.  From those interests I slowly got into Jrock.  One day, youtube decided to list me some suggested videos.. one of those videos being G Dragon's "Heartbreaker."  I liked it, but I couldn't say at that point I was 'hooked.'  So, I clicked further videos.  The next one up?  "Lollipop." I fell in love with TOP and his nerdy man glasses then was spamming everything ever by Big Bang. For a while, they were the only Kpop I listened to!  They have such an edge because of their unique style and I've gotten so many people interested in Kpop just through them.  "Haru Haru" remains to be one of my favorite songs of all time, then of course I break into "Lies" anytime I try to apologize.  Other than the obvious success of how great "Fantastic Baby" was, I actually love a lot of their Japanese music.  I had a dance made up for "Emotion" and would happily dance in the club if I heard "Number 1."  All of them of course have fantastic solo albums as well.  Although they aren't my number one group anymore, I'll always appreciate them for getting me to love Kpop.    

5.  2 PM

They are, similar to U-Kiss, a rather new edition to my favorites.  I actually ignored 2 PM for a while but it wasn't on purpose.  It actually took until I heard them in the ending of Blue Exorcist ("Take Off") and said 'Hey, that's a Kpop group!' for me to really look them up.  I'm glad I did.  Let's just say, I totally get why their fanclub is called HOTTEST.  Later on I'll be making a top ten bias list and let me just say, ALL of 2PM is a walking threat to my biases.  I was rather proud whenever I got a friend addicted to "Hands Up"  along with "I'll Be Back."  I'm still trying to master the running man dance but I don't look nearly as cool.  Recently, "10 out of 10" has become one of my personal themes.  Shall I also mention the amazement of the tye dance in "I'm Your Man"?  They know how to brighten my mood with songs like "Ultra Lover" and even their Mr. Pizza commercials!  Simply enough, there is a reason 2PM is my favorite time of the day.  

4. Super Junior

First off, could not decide which picture to post.  There are so many group members in and out it's crazy.  I think I got the majority in that one.  I was actually introduced to Super Junior through Super Junior M.  "Supergirl, " the chinese version, was the first knowledge I ever had of these guys.  I didn't realize it then, but Donghae would become my SuJu bias.  After that, I came across "Bonamana" and thought it was just the greatest thing ever.  To this day I feel like "Sorry Sorry" has one of the best dances in Kpop fandom and that due to "y, Free and Single," I'll never look at Bingo the same way again.  Since Super Junior is pretty well known however, I'd like to point out a song that might be a little less obvious.  "Twins" has become a recent favorite.  Don't recognize it?  Well, technically it was Super Junior '05 or something of the sort.. it was pre Kyuhyun.  It has that fun rocker edge along with "Don't Don" and for someone that's a fan of rock it's a beautiful kick for me :D.  

3. F.T. Island

I have the most ridiculous amount of FT Island songs in my music library for some unknown reason.  If I were doing a list strictly by how many songs I have for each group, they'd easily be number one.  I couldn't actually tell you where FT Island popped up in my life, but trust me, it taught me how to feel.  They'd be higher on the list if they didn't make me cry so much.  I dare you to listen to "Don't Love" without shedding a tear or "Love Sick" without wanting to shred through a pint of Ben and Jerry's.  With a video like "Severly" you may as well just buy kleenex.

 <--- seriously, that's me listening to anything by FT Island.

It also doesn't help that Lee Hongki's voice is made of angel tears, seriously.  I'll legit admit that I want to MARRY HIS VOICE.  Yeah, just his voice (of course he's cute too and I'd be up for that but if I could legally marry his voice I would).  I mean, not EVERYTHING by them is depressing.  "Love love love"  is.. well.. also sad but "I Hope" is happyish.  Then of course there's "After Love" for the perfect break up theme..ugh, here come the tears again... "Raining" doesn't make it any better... If nothing else you have their Japanese albums.  "Flower Rock" is upbeat!  Of course, can't forget about their new single "I Wish."  I think I understand why I have so much FT Island now.. they really ARE wonderful.  

2.  SS501

I'm dying for an SS501 comeback.  I feel like I missed out big time.  Being that I kind of got into Kpop whenever SS501 was going their separate ways, I completely missed their first time around.  To me, they are the equivalent to the Backstreet Boys which I grew up on.  I first found SS501 through a mashup featuring "Love Like This"  with some various other songs.  Although I was obsessed with that song it wasn't until I watched Boys Over Flowers that my love for them grew.  Kim Hyun Joong stole my heart.

I legit have three versions of "Because I'm Stupid" via that series, also adding to that I got the piano music because I loved it so much.  I remember squeaking in happiness when I heard them sing "I'm Your Man" in that series too.  For an entire semester however, I spammed "Deja Vu" and "Unlock" everytime I went from the computer lab to my apartment.  I actually met my best friend that semester over Facebook when I was in my SS501 spams so it holds an even more special memory to me.  I love the sillyness in "A Song Calling For You"  and the orchestra of "Love Ya".  "Lucky Days" has become sort of a cheesy favorite and I personally think "Kokoro" should be an anime theme.  I could spend an entire other section just talking about each of their solo activities but I could probably save that for a whole other blog.  In any case, SS501 is a legend in my heart.  Not sure if anyone knows this, but even the one story of mine 'Secret Star Society,' I initially made that the title because of the Triple S 's'ecret 's'tar 's'ociety.  Just a silly tidbit.  


Perhaps, obvious favorite group is obvious.  Seriously, if you look at any of my stories, pictures, anything it's fairly easy to say I have a thing for them.  But why?  Well, to be completely honest, they have a special place in my heart because they were the Kpop group I kind of 'grew up with.'  Now, what exactly do I mean by that?  

They debuted in October of 2009.  That was just about the exact time I was getting into Kpop.  You know how I mentioned "Heartbreaker" and "Lollipop" being among my first videos?  "Oh Yeah" was essentially my legit obsession.  I know I mentioned Big Bang was my first big spam and they were, but I remember seeing the video for "Oh Yeah" and having fangirl spasms.  

<--- And yes, this was the reason.

But seriously, this doesn't happen in American pop!  The entire reason I clicked on the music video was because of seeing this in a video mash up... so yeah...

After that, of course "Y" came out and nothing flames up my inner fangirl better than the first scene involving le same man in a shower.


In all honesty though I did love both songs for the songs themselves as well.  For a while I actually didn't listen to them because the costumes and hair in "Stay" kind of scared me away.  I'm not sure how long I went without listening to them again but eventually they won me back with "Mona Lisa" which is by far my favorite song of theirs.  A very close second to that is "Your Luv" from their Japanese album.  I love every song off of that album actually.  

Of course "It's War"  is a great song with a beautiful dance but my favorite dance of all has to be for "Cry."  I've caught myself listening to "Scribble" a ton recently for no reason and just recently realized that had a video for "G.O.O.D Luv" in which I feel like a bad fan for not noticing it before.  I love them because each of them is unique in talents and in personalities.  Of every fandom I am most proud to be an A+ in every sense.  G.O. is the best singer, Seungho is the best piano player, Thunder is the best dancer, Joonie is the best looker and Mir is just the best Mir he could possibly be.  For all these reasons and more, they are my number 1 Kpop group.  Time to celebrate!

This concludes my list.  Who are your faves?


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page_90 #1
ha i new MBLAQ would be your #1 before i even scrolled down!!
Not surprised what so ever with no. 1 lol and I deff laughed at your comment about mir xD got excited when I recognized band names on here. Oh at Osan today I recognized 90% of kpop I heard and I thank you for that!! ^_^